cepted by the Commission and no sub-
sequent request for its change will be
considered or granted.
NOTE 2 :
Candidates should also note that once a
Date of Birth has been claimed by them
and entered in the records of the Com-
mission for the purpose of admission to
an examination, no change will be allowed
subsequently (or at any other examina-
tion of the Commission) on any grounds
NOTE 3 :
The candidate should exercise due care
while entering their date of birth in col-
umn 3 of the Application Form for the Pre-
liminary Examination. If on verification at
any subsequent stage, any variation is
found in their date of birth from the one
entered in their matriculation or equiva-
lent Examination certificate, disciplinary
action will be taken against them by the
Commission under the Rules.
(iii) Minimum Educational Qualifica-
tions :
The candidate must hold a degree of any of
Universities incorporated by an Act of the
Central or State Legislature in India or other
educational institutions established by an
Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed
as a University Under Section-3 of the Uni-
versity Grants Commission Act, 1956, or
possess an equivalent qualification.
Candidates who have appeared at an ex-
amination the passing of which would ren-
der them educationally qualified for the
Commission’s examination but have not
been informed of the results as also the
candidates who intend to appear at such a
qualifying examination will also be eligible
for admission to the Preliminary Examina-
tion. All candidates who are declared quali-
fied by the Commission for taking the Civil
Services (Main) Examination will be re-
quired to produce proof of passing the req-
uisite examination with their application for
the Main Examination failing which such
candidates will not be admitted to the Main
Examination. The applications for the Main
Examination will be called sometime in the
month of July/August, 2011.
In exceptional cases the Union Public Ser-
vice Commission may treat a candidate who
has not any of the foregoing qualifications
as a qualified candidate provided that he/
she has passed examination conducted by
the other Institutions, the standard of which
in the opinion of the Commission justifies
his/her admission to the examination.
Candidates possessing professional and
technical qualifications which are
recognised by Government as equivalent
to professional and technical degree
would also be eligible for admission to the
Candidates who have passed the final pro-
fessional M.B.B.S. or any other Medical
Examination but have not completed their
internship by the time of submission of their
applications for the Civil Services (Main)
Examination, will be provisionally admit-
ted to the Examination provided they sub-
mit along with their application a copy of
certificate from the concerned authority of
the University/Institution that they had
passed the requisite final professional
medical examination. In such cases, the
candidates will be required to produce at
the time of their interview original Degree
or a certificate from the concerned compe-
tent authority of the University/Institution that
they had completed all requirements (in-
cluding completion of internship) for the
award of the Degree.
(iv) Number of attempts :
Every candidate appearing at the exami-
nation who is otherwise eligible, shall be
permitted four attempts at the examination.
Provided that this restriction on the num-
ber of attempts will not apply in the case of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
candidates who are otherwise eligible.
Provided further that the number of
attempts permissible to candidates belong-
ing to Other Backward Classes, who are
otherwise eligible shall be seven. The re-
laxation will be available to the candidates
who are eligible to avail of reservation ap-
plicable to such candidates.
Provided further that a physically handi-
capped will get as many attempts as are
available to other non-physically handi-
capped candidates of his or her commu-
nity, subject to the condition that a physi-
cally handicapped candidate belonging to
the General Category shall be eligible for
seven attempts. The relaxation will be avail-
able to the physically handicapped candi-
dates who are eligible to avail of reserva-
tion applicable to such candidates.
(i) An attempt at a Preliminary Examina-
tion shall be deemed to be an attempt at
the Examination.
(ii) If a candidate actually appears in any
one paper in the Preliminary Examination,
he/she shall be deemed to have made an
attempt at the Examination.
(iii) Notwithstanding the disqualification/
cancellation of candidature, the fact of ap-
pearance of the candidate at the examina-
tion will count as an attempt.
(v) Restrictions on applying for the ex-
amination :
A candidate who is appointed to the Indian
Administrative Service or the Indian For-
eign Service on the results of an earlier
examination and continues to be a mem-
ber of that service will not be eligible to
compete at this examination.
In case such a candidate is appointed to
the IAS/IFS after the Preliminary Examina-
tion of Civil Services Examination, 2011 is
over and he/she continues to be a mem-
ber of that service, he/she shall not be eli-
gible to appear in the Civil Services (Main)
Examination, 2011 notwithstanding his/her
having qualified in the Preliminary Exami-
nation, 2011.
Also provided that if such a candidate is
appointed to IAS/IFS after the commence-
ment of the Civil Services (Main) Examina-
tion, 2011 but before the result thereof and
continues to be a member of that service,
he/she shall not be considered for appoint-
ment to any service/post on the basis of
the result of this examination viz. Civil Ser-
vices Examination, 2011.
(vi) Physical Standards :
Candidates must be physically fit accord-
ing to physical standards for admission to
Civil Services Examination, 2011 as per
guidelines given in Appendix-III of Rules
for Examination published in the Gazette
of India Extraordinary dated 19th Febru-
ary, 2011.
4. FEE :
(a) Candidates applying Online (exempt-
ing Female/SC/ST/PH Candidates who are
exempted from payment of fee) are re-
quired to pay a reduced fee of Rs. 50/- (Ru-
pees Fifty only) either by remitting the
money in any Branch of SBI by Cash, or by
using net banking facility of SBI or by using
Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
(b) Candidates applying Offline (through
Common Application Form) are required
to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hun-
dred only) through a single Central Re-
cruitment Stamp. Central Recruitment Fee
Stamp (NOT Postage Stamp) of the requi-
site denomination may be obtained from
the Post Office and affixed on the applica-
tion form in the space provided therein. The
stamp must be got cancelled from the issu-
ing Post Office with the date stamp of the
Post Office in such a manner that the im-
pression of the cancellation mark partially
overflows on the application form itself but
within the space provided on the Applica-
tion form itself. The impression of the can-
cellation mark should be clear and distinct
to facilitate the identification of date and
the Post Office of issue.
Candidates residing abroad should deposit
the prescribed fee in the office of India's
High Commissioner, Ambassador or rep-
resentative abroad as the case may be for
credit to account head "051-Public Service
Commission-Examination Fees" and at-
tach the receipt with the application.
All female candidates and candidates
belonging Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe/ Physically Handicapped catego-
ries are exempted from payment of fee.
No fee exemption is, however, available
to OBC candidates and they are required
to pay the prescribed fee in full.
Physically disabled persons are exempted
from the payment of fee provided they are
otherwise eligible for appointment to the
Services/Posts to be filled on the results of
this examination on the basis of the stan-
dards of medical fitness for these Services/
Posts (including any concessions specifi-
cally extended to the physically disabled).
A physically disabled candidate claiming
fee concession will be required by the
Commission to submit along with their
Detailed Application Form, a certified copy
of the certificate from a Government Hos-
pital/Medical Board in support of his/her
claim for being physically disabled.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid provision for
fee exemption, a physically disabled can-
didate will be considered to be eligible for
appointment only if he/she (after such
physical examination as the Government
or the Appointing Authority, as the case
may be, may prescribe) is found to satisfy
the requirements of physical and medical
standards for the concerned Services/
Posts to be allocated to physically disabled
candidates by the Government.
'Postage Stamps' will in no case be ac-
cepted in lieu of 'Central Recruitment Fee
Candidates should note that the fee sent
through Indian Postal Orders, Bank Draft,
Money Order, Crossed Cheque, Cur-
rency notes or Treasury Challan etc. will
not be accepted by the Commission and
such applications will be treated as with-
out fee and will be summarily rejected.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under
any circumstances nor can the fee be held
in reserve for any other examination or
If any candidate who took the Civil Ser-
vices Examination held in 2010 wishes to
apply for admission to this examination,
he/she must submit his/her application so
as to reach the Commission’s Office by
the prescribed date without waiting for the
results or an offer of appointment.
Candidates admitted to the Main Exami-
nation will be required to pay a further fee
of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundreds only).
(a) Candidates may apply online using the
website http://www.upsconline.nic.in De-
tailed instructions for filling up online ap-
plications are available on the
abovementioned website.
(b) Candidates may also apply offline in
the Common Application form devised by
the commission for its examinations which
can be processed on computerized ma-
chines. This application form along with
an Information Brochure containing gen-
eral instructions for filling up the form, an
acknowledgement card and an envelope
for sending the application will be obtain-
able from the designated Head Post Of-
fices/Post Offices throughout the country
as listed in Appendix-III of Notice against
cash payment of Rs. 30/- (Rupees Thirty
only). Form should be purchased from the
designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices
only and not from any other agency. This
Form can be used only once and for only
one examination. Candidates who wish
to apply offline must use the form supplied
with the Information Brochure only and they
should in no case use photocopy/repro-
duction/unauthorisedly printed copy of the
Form. Since this form is electronically
scanned, due care should be taken to fill
up the application form, correctly. While fill-
ing up the application form, please refer
to detailed instructions given in Appen-
dix-II(B) of this Notice. The candidates
should also fill up in the relevant places of
the Acknowledgement Card, their Appli-
cation Form Number and the name of the
examination. The applicants are required
to affix the postage stamp of Rs. Six on the
Acknowledgement Card and send the
same along with application form to UPSC.
If an applicant fails to affix the postage
stamp of requisite amount his
acknowledgement card will not be dis-
patched and Commission will not be re-
sponsible for non-receipt of
acknowledgement cards by the applicant.
The duly filled in application form and the
acknowledgement card should then be
mailed in the special envelope supplied
with the Information Brochure. The candi-
date should also write the name of exami-
nation viz. Civil Services (Preliminary)
Examination, 2011 on the envelope be-
fore dispatching it to Controller of Exami-
nations, Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New
(c) All candidates, whether already in Gov-
ernment Service, Government owned in-
dustrial undertakings or other similar
organisations or in private employment
should submit their applications direct to
the Commission. If any candidate forwards
his/her application through his/her em-
ployer and it reaches the Union Public
Service Commission late, the application,
even if submitted to the employer before
the closing date, will not be considered.
Persons already in Government Service,
whether in a permanent or temporary ca-
pacity or as workcharged employees other
than casual or daily rated employees or
those serving under the Public Enterprises
are however, required to submit an under-
taking that they have informed in writing
their Head of Office/Department that they
have applied for the Examination.
Candidates should note that in case a com-
munication is received from their employer
by the Commission withholding permission
to the candidates applying for/appearing
at the examination, their application will
be liable to be rejected/candidature will be
liable to be cancelled.
NOTE 1 :
While filling in his/her Application Form,
the candidate should carefully decide
about his/her choice of centre for the Ex-
amination. More than one application
from a candidate giving different centres
will not be accepted in any case. Even if
a candidate sends more than one com-
pleted application the Commission will
accept only one application at their dis-
cretion and the Commission's decision
in the matter shall be final.
If any candidate appears at a centre
other than the one indicated by the Com-
mission in his/her Admission Certificate,
the papers of such a candidate will not
be valued and his/her candidature will be
liable to cancellation.
sequent request for its change will be
considered or granted.
NOTE 2 :
Candidates should also note that once a
Date of Birth has been claimed by them
and entered in the records of the Com-
mission for the purpose of admission to
an examination, no change will be allowed
subsequently (or at any other examina-
tion of the Commission) on any grounds
NOTE 3 :
The candidate should exercise due care
while entering their date of birth in col-
umn 3 of the Application Form for the Pre-
liminary Examination. If on verification at
any subsequent stage, any variation is
found in their date of birth from the one
entered in their matriculation or equiva-
lent Examination certificate, disciplinary
action will be taken against them by the
Commission under the Rules.
(iii) Minimum Educational Qualifica-
tions :
The candidate must hold a degree of any of
Universities incorporated by an Act of the
Central or State Legislature in India or other
educational institutions established by an
Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed
as a University Under Section-3 of the Uni-
versity Grants Commission Act, 1956, or
possess an equivalent qualification.
Candidates who have appeared at an ex-
amination the passing of which would ren-
der them educationally qualified for the
Commission’s examination but have not
been informed of the results as also the
candidates who intend to appear at such a
qualifying examination will also be eligible
for admission to the Preliminary Examina-
tion. All candidates who are declared quali-
fied by the Commission for taking the Civil
Services (Main) Examination will be re-
quired to produce proof of passing the req-
uisite examination with their application for
the Main Examination failing which such
candidates will not be admitted to the Main
Examination. The applications for the Main
Examination will be called sometime in the
month of July/August, 2011.
In exceptional cases the Union Public Ser-
vice Commission may treat a candidate who
has not any of the foregoing qualifications
as a qualified candidate provided that he/
she has passed examination conducted by
the other Institutions, the standard of which
in the opinion of the Commission justifies
his/her admission to the examination.
Candidates possessing professional and
technical qualifications which are
recognised by Government as equivalent
to professional and technical degree
would also be eligible for admission to the
Candidates who have passed the final pro-
fessional M.B.B.S. or any other Medical
Examination but have not completed their
internship by the time of submission of their
applications for the Civil Services (Main)
Examination, will be provisionally admit-
ted to the Examination provided they sub-
mit along with their application a copy of
certificate from the concerned authority of
the University/Institution that they had
passed the requisite final professional
medical examination. In such cases, the
candidates will be required to produce at
the time of their interview original Degree
or a certificate from the concerned compe-
tent authority of the University/Institution that
they had completed all requirements (in-
cluding completion of internship) for the
award of the Degree.
(iv) Number of attempts :
Every candidate appearing at the exami-
nation who is otherwise eligible, shall be
permitted four attempts at the examination.
Provided that this restriction on the num-
ber of attempts will not apply in the case of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
candidates who are otherwise eligible.
Provided further that the number of
attempts permissible to candidates belong-
ing to Other Backward Classes, who are
otherwise eligible shall be seven. The re-
laxation will be available to the candidates
who are eligible to avail of reservation ap-
plicable to such candidates.
Provided further that a physically handi-
capped will get as many attempts as are
available to other non-physically handi-
capped candidates of his or her commu-
nity, subject to the condition that a physi-
cally handicapped candidate belonging to
the General Category shall be eligible for
seven attempts. The relaxation will be avail-
able to the physically handicapped candi-
dates who are eligible to avail of reserva-
tion applicable to such candidates.
(i) An attempt at a Preliminary Examina-
tion shall be deemed to be an attempt at
the Examination.
(ii) If a candidate actually appears in any
one paper in the Preliminary Examination,
he/she shall be deemed to have made an
attempt at the Examination.
(iii) Notwithstanding the disqualification/
cancellation of candidature, the fact of ap-
pearance of the candidate at the examina-
tion will count as an attempt.
(v) Restrictions on applying for the ex-
amination :
A candidate who is appointed to the Indian
Administrative Service or the Indian For-
eign Service on the results of an earlier
examination and continues to be a mem-
ber of that service will not be eligible to
compete at this examination.
In case such a candidate is appointed to
the IAS/IFS after the Preliminary Examina-
tion of Civil Services Examination, 2011 is
over and he/she continues to be a mem-
ber of that service, he/she shall not be eli-
gible to appear in the Civil Services (Main)
Examination, 2011 notwithstanding his/her
having qualified in the Preliminary Exami-
nation, 2011.
Also provided that if such a candidate is
appointed to IAS/IFS after the commence-
ment of the Civil Services (Main) Examina-
tion, 2011 but before the result thereof and
continues to be a member of that service,
he/she shall not be considered for appoint-
ment to any service/post on the basis of
the result of this examination viz. Civil Ser-
vices Examination, 2011.
(vi) Physical Standards :
Candidates must be physically fit accord-
ing to physical standards for admission to
Civil Services Examination, 2011 as per
guidelines given in Appendix-III of Rules
for Examination published in the Gazette
of India Extraordinary dated 19th Febru-
ary, 2011.
4. FEE :
(a) Candidates applying Online (exempt-
ing Female/SC/ST/PH Candidates who are
exempted from payment of fee) are re-
quired to pay a reduced fee of Rs. 50/- (Ru-
pees Fifty only) either by remitting the
money in any Branch of SBI by Cash, or by
using net banking facility of SBI or by using
Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
(b) Candidates applying Offline (through
Common Application Form) are required
to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hun-
dred only) through a single Central Re-
cruitment Stamp. Central Recruitment Fee
Stamp (NOT Postage Stamp) of the requi-
site denomination may be obtained from
the Post Office and affixed on the applica-
tion form in the space provided therein. The
stamp must be got cancelled from the issu-
ing Post Office with the date stamp of the
Post Office in such a manner that the im-
pression of the cancellation mark partially
overflows on the application form itself but
within the space provided on the Applica-
tion form itself. The impression of the can-
cellation mark should be clear and distinct
to facilitate the identification of date and
the Post Office of issue.
Candidates residing abroad should deposit
the prescribed fee in the office of India's
High Commissioner, Ambassador or rep-
resentative abroad as the case may be for
credit to account head "051-Public Service
Commission-Examination Fees" and at-
tach the receipt with the application.
All female candidates and candidates
belonging Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe/ Physically Handicapped catego-
ries are exempted from payment of fee.
No fee exemption is, however, available
to OBC candidates and they are required
to pay the prescribed fee in full.
Physically disabled persons are exempted
from the payment of fee provided they are
otherwise eligible for appointment to the
Services/Posts to be filled on the results of
this examination on the basis of the stan-
dards of medical fitness for these Services/
Posts (including any concessions specifi-
cally extended to the physically disabled).
A physically disabled candidate claiming
fee concession will be required by the
Commission to submit along with their
Detailed Application Form, a certified copy
of the certificate from a Government Hos-
pital/Medical Board in support of his/her
claim for being physically disabled.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid provision for
fee exemption, a physically disabled can-
didate will be considered to be eligible for
appointment only if he/she (after such
physical examination as the Government
or the Appointing Authority, as the case
may be, may prescribe) is found to satisfy
the requirements of physical and medical
standards for the concerned Services/
Posts to be allocated to physically disabled
candidates by the Government.
'Postage Stamps' will in no case be ac-
cepted in lieu of 'Central Recruitment Fee
Candidates should note that the fee sent
through Indian Postal Orders, Bank Draft,
Money Order, Crossed Cheque, Cur-
rency notes or Treasury Challan etc. will
not be accepted by the Commission and
such applications will be treated as with-
out fee and will be summarily rejected.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under
any circumstances nor can the fee be held
in reserve for any other examination or
If any candidate who took the Civil Ser-
vices Examination held in 2010 wishes to
apply for admission to this examination,
he/she must submit his/her application so
as to reach the Commission’s Office by
the prescribed date without waiting for the
results or an offer of appointment.
Candidates admitted to the Main Exami-
nation will be required to pay a further fee
of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundreds only).
(a) Candidates may apply online using the
website http://www.upsconline.nic.in De-
tailed instructions for filling up online ap-
plications are available on the
abovementioned website.
(b) Candidates may also apply offline in
the Common Application form devised by
the commission for its examinations which
can be processed on computerized ma-
chines. This application form along with
an Information Brochure containing gen-
eral instructions for filling up the form, an
acknowledgement card and an envelope
for sending the application will be obtain-
able from the designated Head Post Of-
fices/Post Offices throughout the country
as listed in Appendix-III of Notice against
cash payment of Rs. 30/- (Rupees Thirty
only). Form should be purchased from the
designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices
only and not from any other agency. This
Form can be used only once and for only
one examination. Candidates who wish
to apply offline must use the form supplied
with the Information Brochure only and they
should in no case use photocopy/repro-
duction/unauthorisedly printed copy of the
Form. Since this form is electronically
scanned, due care should be taken to fill
up the application form, correctly. While fill-
ing up the application form, please refer
to detailed instructions given in Appen-
dix-II(B) of this Notice. The candidates
should also fill up in the relevant places of
the Acknowledgement Card, their Appli-
cation Form Number and the name of the
examination. The applicants are required
to affix the postage stamp of Rs. Six on the
Acknowledgement Card and send the
same along with application form to UPSC.
If an applicant fails to affix the postage
stamp of requisite amount his
acknowledgement card will not be dis-
patched and Commission will not be re-
sponsible for non-receipt of
acknowledgement cards by the applicant.
The duly filled in application form and the
acknowledgement card should then be
mailed in the special envelope supplied
with the Information Brochure. The candi-
date should also write the name of exami-
nation viz. Civil Services (Preliminary)
Examination, 2011 on the envelope be-
fore dispatching it to Controller of Exami-
nations, Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New
(c) All candidates, whether already in Gov-
ernment Service, Government owned in-
dustrial undertakings or other similar
organisations or in private employment
should submit their applications direct to
the Commission. If any candidate forwards
his/her application through his/her em-
ployer and it reaches the Union Public
Service Commission late, the application,
even if submitted to the employer before
the closing date, will not be considered.
Persons already in Government Service,
whether in a permanent or temporary ca-
pacity or as workcharged employees other
than casual or daily rated employees or
those serving under the Public Enterprises
are however, required to submit an under-
taking that they have informed in writing
their Head of Office/Department that they
have applied for the Examination.
Candidates should note that in case a com-
munication is received from their employer
by the Commission withholding permission
to the candidates applying for/appearing
at the examination, their application will
be liable to be rejected/candidature will be
liable to be cancelled.
NOTE 1 :
While filling in his/her Application Form,
the candidate should carefully decide
about his/her choice of centre for the Ex-
amination. More than one application
from a candidate giving different centres
will not be accepted in any case. Even if
a candidate sends more than one com-
pleted application the Commission will
accept only one application at their dis-
cretion and the Commission's decision
in the matter shall be final.
If any candidate appears at a centre
other than the one indicated by the Com-
mission in his/her Admission Certificate,
the papers of such a candidate will not
be valued and his/her candidature will be
liable to cancellation.
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