Sunday, March 31, 2013

The RTI Act FAQs

Quiz Question 1 Long title of the RTI Act talks of how many types of Information Commissions?
Your Answer B. Two
Correct Answer B. Two
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 2 The Preamble argues that it is expedient to provide for furnishing certain information to citizens who:
Your Answer C. Desire to have it.
Correct Answer C. Desire to have it.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 3 The Preamble seeks to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to:
Your Answer B. The governed
Correct Answer B. The governed
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 4 The Preamble to the RTI Act states that transparency of information is vital to:
Your Answer B. Contain corruption
Correct Answer B. Contain corruption
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 5 The RTI Act gives right to information to the following:
Your Answer B. Any citizen
Correct Answer B. Any citizen
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 6 Right to information’ includes the right to obtaining information in the form of:
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 7 Right to information’ includes the right to taking:
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 8 The definition of "information" under Section 2 (f) includes:
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 9 The DOPT Office Memorandum No.11/2/2008-IR dated 10 July, 2008 on ‘compilation of information’ states as follows:
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 10 The DOPT Office Memorandum No. 1/20/2009-IR dated 23rd June, 2009 clarified that the file noting can be disclosed except file noting containing information exempt from disclosure under the following Section of the RTI Act:
Your Answer B. Section 8
Correct Answer B. Section 8
Reason Correct

Quiz Question 11 DOPT advises that the public authority should update information under Section 4 (1) (b):
Your Answer D. None of the above
Correct Answer B. As and when any development takes place.
Reason No Explanation
Quiz Question 12 Section 4 (1) (a) states that a public authority should:
Your Answer D.  All the above
Correct Answer D.  All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 13 Section 4 (1) (b) (xi) states that a public authority should publish:
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 14 The obligations of a public authority are basically the obligations of:
Your Answer D. The head of the authority
Correct Answer D. The head of the authority
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 15 Under Section 4 (1) (b), the public authority is obliged to update information:
Your Answer B. Every year
Correct Answer B. Every year
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 16 For what reasons can a PIO reject an RTI request under the "RTI Act, 2005"?
Your Answer A. Any reason(s) as specified in S(s). 8 and / or 9 i.e information exempted under the "RTI Act, 2005".
Correct Answer A. Any reason(s) as specified in S(s). 8 and / or 9 i.e information exempted under the "RTI Act, 2005".
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 17 It is alright for an APIO to decide whether information should be given on an RTI application with or without consulting the PIO concerned.
Your Answer A. No. Not at all.
Correct Answer A. No. Not at all.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 18 There is an upper limit for the number of PIOs and APIOs to be appointed by a Public Authority (PA) as per the "RTI Act, 2005".
Your Answer B. No. There is no such limit, whatsoever, as per the "RTI Act, 2005"
Correct Answer B. No. There is no such limit, whatsoever, as per the "RTI Act, 2005"
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 19 The "RTI Act, 2005" says that the transfer of applications from a Public Authority to another should
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 20 What is the time limit for a "Public Information Officer" for providing requested information concerning the life and liberty of a person?
Your Answer C. It has to be provided within 48 hours.
Correct Answer C. It has to be provided within 48 hours.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 21 APIO has to forward applications for information to:
Your Answer A. PIO
Correct Answer A. PIO
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 22 APIO has to forward first appeals to:
Your Answer C. First Appellate Authority
Correct Answer C. First Appellate Authority
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 23 Following provision of the RTI Act explains about deemed PIOs:
Your Answer A.  Section 5(5)
Correct Answer A.  Section 5(5)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 24 Following provision of the RTI Act requires communication of ‘the reasons for rejection’ when a PIO rejects a request:
Your Answer C. Section 7(8)
Correct Answer C. Section 7(8)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 25 Transfer of an application should be made as soon as practicable but in no case later than:
Your Answer B. Five days from the date of receipt of the application.
Correct Answer B. Five days from the date of receipt of the application.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 26 Following provision of the RTI Act explains about first appeals by requesters:
Your Answer A. Section 19(1)
Correct Answer A. Section 19(1)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 27 Following provision of the RTI Act explains about first appeals by third parties:
Your Answer A. Section 19(2)
Correct Answer A. Section 19(2)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 28 Time limit for disposal of first appeal by the first appellate authority:
Your Answer B. 30 - 45 days
Correct Answer B. 30 - 45 days
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 29 Time limit for filing first appeal by a requester under sub-section (1) of Section 19 is:
Your Answer B. 30 days from the receipt of PIO’s decision
Correct Answer B. 30 days from the receipt of PIO’s decision
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 30 What is the time limit for filing first appeals by the third party under Section 19(2):
Your Answer B. Within 30 days from the date of PIO`s order
Correct Answer B. Within 30 days from the date of PIO`s order
Reason Correct

Quiz Question 31 Exemptions under the RTI Act can be divided into how many categories?
Your Answer A. Three categories
Correct Answer B. Two categories
Reason No Explanation
Quiz Question 32 Preamble to the Right to Information Act talks of some ‘other public interests’ They include the following
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 33 ‘Reasonable restrictions’ on the right to freedom of speech and expression imposed by the Constitution include the following
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 34 The RTI Act, through section 24, partially excludes the following from the ambit of the Act:
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 35 Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India imposes ‘Reasonable restrictions’ on the right to freedom of speech and expression
Your Answer A. Article 19(2)
Correct Answer A. Article 19(2)
Reason Correct

Quiz Question 36 According to Section 7 (1) of the RTI Act, PIOs can only reject a request under the following provisions
Your Answer A. Sections 8 and 9 of the RTI Act
Correct Answer A. Sections 8 and 9 of the RTI Act
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 37 According to Section 7 (1) of the RTI Act, the following clauses of Section 8(1) contain perpetual exemptions
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 38 According to Section 7 (8) of the RTI Act, the PIO, when rejecting a request, has to communicate to the person making the request
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 39 Examples of fiduciary relationships
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 40 Section 8(3) imposes certain time limit on exemptions. Clauses (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (j) of Section 8(1) are time limited exemptions, which are no longer valid exemptions after
Your Answer A. 20 years from the date of the record
Correct Answer A. 20 years from the date of the record
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 41 According to Section 8 (1) (j) the following officer may disclose the exempt information in larger public interest
Your Answer B. Appellate authority
Correct Answer C. Both of the above
Reason No Explanation
Quiz Question 42 Section 8 (1) (j) is
Your Answer B. A qualified exemption
Correct Answer B. A qualified exemption
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 43 Which Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes privacy as a human right?
Your Answer A. Article 12
Correct Answer A. Article 12
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 44 Which clause under Section 8 (1) of the RTI Act talks of invasion of the privacy?
Your Answer C. Clause (j)
Correct Answer C. Clause (j)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 45 Which section of the Indian Penal Code prohibits disclosure of identity of a victim of sexual offence?
Your Answer A. Section 228A
Correct Answer A. Section 228A
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 46 The document, ‘Ten Principles on the Right to Know’, argues that there is high public interest in disclosure of information related to threats to the following
Your Answer D. All the above
Correct Answer D. All the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 47 Which NGO successfully won an appeal for disclosure of Income Tax Returns filed by political parties in 2008?
Your Answer A. Association for Democratic Reforms
Correct Answer A. Association for Democratic Reforms
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 48 Which Section of the RTI Act defines ‘public interest’’?
Your Answer D. None of the above
Correct Answer D. None of the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 49 Who formulated ‘Ten Principles on the Right to Know’?
Your Answer B. Open Society Justice Initiative
Correct Answer B. Open Society Justice Initiative
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 50 Who formulated “The Public’s Right to Know: Principles on Freedom of Information”?
Your Answer A.  ARTICLE 19
Correct Answer A.  ARTICLE 19
Reason Correct

Quiz Question 51 Excluded organisations are required to take approval for disclosure of information from
Your Answer A. Information Commission
Correct Answer A. Information Commission
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 52 How many amendments were made to the Second Schedule as on 31 August 2012?
Your Answer B. Four amendments
Correct Answer B. Four amendments
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 53 How many Intelligence and Security Organisations are there in the Second Schedule as on 31 August 2012?
Your Answer B. 25
Correct Answer B. 25
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 54 Maximum time limit for disclosure of information by excluded organisations
Your Answer B. 45 days from the date of the receipt of request
Correct Answer B. 45 days from the date of the receipt of request
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 55 Which Section of the RTI Act explains about excluded organisations?
Your Answer C. Section 24
Correct Answer C. Section 24
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 56 After the enactment of the "RTI Act, 2005", what is the status of the "Freedom of Information Act, 2002"?
Your Answer C. It has been repealed.
Correct Answer C. It has been repealed.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 57 Consider the following statements about "Bar on jurisdiction of courts" vis-avis the "RTI Act, 2005". i) No court shall entertain any suit, application or other proceeding in respect of any order made under this Act. ii) No such order shall be called in question otherwise than by way of an appeal under this Act. Which of these statements is true?
Your Answer D. Both i) & ii) are true.
Correct Answer D. Both i) & ii) are true.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 58 The "RTI Act, 2005" will supersede
Your Answer D. All a, b & c.
Correct Answer D. All a, b & c.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 59 What is the time span mentioned in the "RTI Act, 2005" for making orders for removing difficulties in giving effect to the provisions of the "RTI Act, 2005"?
Your Answer A. 2 years from the commencement of the Act.
Correct Answer A. 2 years from the commencement of the Act.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 60 Who has the power to remove the difficulties arising in giving effect to the provisions of the "RTI Act, 2005"?
Your Answer B. The Central Government.
Correct Answer B. The Central Government.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 61 According to Rule 3 of the Right to Information Rules, 2012, an application for information under the RTI Act should be accompanied by a fee of:
Your Answer A. 10
Correct Answer A. 10
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 62 The Right to Information Rules, 2012 mandate the application, excluding any annexures and addresses of the PIO, should not contain more than:
Your Answer A. 500 words
Correct Answer A. 500 words
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 63 The Right to Information Rules, 2012 supersede the following Rules
Your Answer C. Both of the above
Correct Answer C. Both of the above
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 64 Under the Right to Information Rules, 2012, fee for inspection of records, for each subsequent hour of inspection:
Your Answer C. 5
Correct Answer C. 5
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 65 Under the Right to Information Rules, 2012, fee for providing information, for a Diskette or floppy:
Your Answer B. 50
Correct Answer B. 50
Reason Correct
Chapter 14 Employees Right To Information  Completed
Quiz Question 66 The “right to information and consultation of workers” is claimed as a social value in:
Your Answer C. Europe
Correct Answer C. Europe
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 67 Which article of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union recognizes “right to information and consultation of workers” as a Fundamental right?
Your Answer B. Article 27
Correct Answer B. Article 27
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 68 Which provision of the RTI Act mandates all the public authorities to provide reasons for administrative decisions taken by them?
Your Answer B. Section 4 (1) (d)
Correct Answer B. Section 4 (1) (d)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 69 Who ruled that employees are entitled to access transfer guidelines pertaining to clerical staff?
Your Answer C. Kerala High Court
Correct Answer C. Kerala High Court
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 70 Who ruled that employees are entitled to have access to their Annual Confidential Reports?
Your Answer A. The Supreme Court
Correct Answer A. The Supreme Court
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 71 In case of rejection of the request, onus to prove that a denial of a request was justified shall be on:
Your Answer A. The PIO, who denied the request.
Correct Answer A. The PIO, who denied the request.
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 72 What is the time limit for the third party to make a submission in writing or orally?
Your Answer B. 10 days
Correct Answer B. 10 days
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 73 Which provision of the RTI Act provides for partial disclosure of information?
Your Answer C. Section 10
Correct Answer C. Section 10
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 74 Which provision of the RTI Act provides for third party appeal?
Your Answer C. Section 19(2)
Correct Answer C. Section 19(2)
Reason Correct
Quiz Question 75 Which provision of the RTI Act requires a ‘communication of rejection to the requester’ to be sent by the PIO in case of rejection of the request?
Your Answer B. Section 7(8)
Correct Answer B. Section 7(8)
Reason Correct

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