Wednesday, December 22, 2010

IAS 28

Accounting Standard (AS) 28

(issued 2002)

Impairment ofAssets



SCOPE Paragraphs 1-3




Net Selling Price 20-24

Value in Use 25-55

Basis for Estimates of Future Cash Flows 26-30

Composition of Estimates of Future Cash Flows 31-45

Foreign Currency Future Cash Flows 46

Discount Rate 47-55




Identification of the Cash-Generating Unit to Which an

Asset Belongs 64-71

Recoverable Amount and Carrying Amount of a

Cash-Generating Unit 72-86

Continued../. .


Goodwill 78-82

Corporate Assets 83-86

Impairment Loss for a Cash-Generating Unit 87-92


Reversal of an Impairment Loss for an Individual Asset 101-105

Reversal of an Impairment Loss for a

Cash-Generating Unit 106-107

Reversal of an Impairment Loss for Goodwill 108-111






Accounting Standard (AS) 28

(issued 2002)

Impairment ofAssets

(This Accounting Standard includes paragraphs set in bold italic type

and plain type, which have equal authority. Paragraphs in bold italic

type indicate the main principles. This Accounting Standard should be

read in the context of its objective and the Preface to the Statements of

Accounting Standards1.)

Accounting Standard (AS) 28, ‘Impairment of Assets’, issued by the Council

of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, comes into effect in

respect of accounting periods commencing on or after 1-4-2004.

This Standard is mandatory in nature2 in respect of accounting periods

commencing on or after:

(a) 1-4-20043, for the enterprises, which fall in any one or more of

the following categories, at any time during the accounting period:

(i) Enterprises whose equity or debt securities are listed

whether in India or outside India.

1 Attention is specifically drawn to paragraph 4.3 of the Preface, according to which

Accounting Standards are intended to apply only to items which are material.

2 Reference may be made to the section titled ‘Announcements of the council

regarding status of various documents issued by the Institute of Chartered

Accountants of India’ appearing at the beginning of this compendium for a detailed

discussion on the implications of the mandatory status of an accounting standard.

3 It was originally decided to make AS 28 mandatory in respect of accounting

periods commencing on or after 1-4-2004 for the following :

(i) Enterprises whose equity or debt securities are listed on a recognised

stock exchange in India, and enterprises that are in the process of issuing

equity or debt securities that will be listed on a recognised stock

exchange in India as evidenced by the board of directors’ resolution in

this regard.

(ii) All other commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises,

whose turnover for the accounting period exceeds Rs. 50 crores.

In respect of all other enterprises, it was originally decided to make AS 28 mandatory

in respect of accounting periods commencing on or after 1-4-2005.

568 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(ii) Enterprises which are in the process of listing their equity or

debt securities as evidenced by the board of directors’

resolution in this regard.

(iii) Banks including co-operative banks.

(iv) Financial institutions.

(v) Enterprises carrying on insurance business.

(vi) All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises,

whose turnover for the immediately preceding accounting

period on the basis of audited financial statements exceeds

Rs. 50 crore. Turnover does not include ‘other income’.

(vii) All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises

having borrowings including public deposits, in excess of

Rs. 10 crore at any time during the accounting period.

(viii) Holding and subsidiary enterprises of any one of the above

at any time during the accounting period.

(b) 1-4-20064 , for the enterprises which do not fall in any of the

categories in (a) above but fall in any one ormore of the following


(i) All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises,

4 It was originally decided to make AS 28 mandatory in respect of accounting

periods commencing on or after 1-4-2004 for the following:

(i) Enterprises whose equity or debt securities are listed on a recognised

stock exchange in India, and enterprises that are in the process of issuing

equity or debt securities that will be listed on a recognised stock

exchange in India as evidenced by the board of directors’ resolution in

this regard.

(ii) All other commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises,

whose turnover for the accounting period exceeds Rs. 50 crores.

In respect of all other enterprises, it was originally decided to make AS 28 mandatory

in respect of accounting periods commencing on or after 1-4-2005.

The Institute, in November 2005, considering that detailed cash flow projections of

enterprises covered under the categories (b) and (c) are often not readily available,

has relaxed the measurement of the ‘value in use’ for such enterprises. See also

footnote 8.

Impairment of Assets 569

whose turnover for the immediately preceding accounting

period on the basis of audited financial statements exceeds

Rs. 40 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 50 crore. Turnover

does not include ‘other income’.

(ii) All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises

having borrowings, including public deposits, in excess Rs.

1 crore but not in excess of Rs. 10 crore at any time during

the accounting period.

(iii) Holding and subsidiary enterprises of any one of the above

at any time during the accounting period.

(c) 1-4-20085, for the enterprises, which do not fall in any of the

categories in (a) and (b) above.

Earlier application of the Accounting Standard is encouraged.

The following is the text of the Accounting Standard.


The objective of this Statement is to prescribe the procedures that an

enterprise applies to ensure that its assets are carried at no more than their

recoverable amount. An asset is carried atmore than its recoverable amount

if its carrying amount exceeds the amount to be recovered through use or

sale of the asset. If this is the case, the asset is described as impaired and

this Statement requires the enterprise to recognise an impairment loss. This

Statement also specifies when an enterprise should reverse an impairment

loss and it prescribes certain disclosures for impaired assets.


1. This Statement should be applied in accounting for the impairment

of all assets, other than:

(a) inventories (see AS 2, Valuation of Inventories);

5 ibid.

570 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(b) assets arising from construction contracts (see AS 7,

Accounting for Construction Contracts6);

(c) financial assets7 , including investments that are included in

the scope of AS 13, Accounting for Investments; and

(d) deferred tax assets (see AS 22, Accounting for Taxes on


2. This Statement does not apply to inventories, assets arising fromconstruction

contracts, deferred tax assets or investments because existing Accounting

Standards applicable to these assets already contain specific requirements for

recognising and measuring the impairment related to these assets.

3. This Statement applies to assets that are carried at cost. It also applies to

assets that are carried at revalued amounts in accordancewith other applicable

Accounting Standards. However, identifying whether a revalued asset may

be impaired depends on the basis used to determine the fair value of the asset:

(a) if the fair value of the asset is itsmarket value, the only difference

between the fair value of the asset and its net selling price is the

direct incremental costs to dispose of the asset:

(i) if the disposal costs are negligible, the recoverable amount

of the revalued asset is necessarily close to, or greater than,

its revalued amount (fair value). In this case, after the

revaluation requirements have been applied, it is unlikely

that the revalued asset is impaired and recoverable amount

need not be estimated; and

(ii) if the disposal costs are not negligible, net selling price of

the revalued asset is necessarily less than its fair value.

Therefore, the revalued asset will be impaired if its value in

6 This Standard has been revised and titled as ‘Construction Contracts’. The revised

AS 7 is published elsewhere in this Compendium.

7A financial asset is any asset that is:

(a) cash;

(b) a contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another


(c) a contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another

enterprise under conditions that are potentially favourable; or

(d) an ownership interest in another enterprise.

Impairment of Assets 571

use is less than its revalued amount (fair value). In this case,

after the revaluation requirements have been applied, an

enterprise applies this Statement to determine whether the

asset may be impaired; and

(b) if the asset’s fair value is determined on a basis other than its

market value, its revalued amount (fair value) may be greater or

lower than its recoverable amount. Hence, after the revaluation

requirements have been applied, an enterprise applies this

Statement to determine whether the asset may be impaired.


4. The following terms are used in this Statement with the meanings


Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s net selling price and its

value in use.

Value in use is the present value of estimated future cash flows expected

to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the

end of its useful life.8

8 The Institute, in November 2005, considering that detailed cash flow projections of

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are often not readily available, has

allowed such enterprises to measure the ‘value in use’ on the basis of reasonable

estimate thereof instead of computing the value in use by present value technique.

Therefore, the definition of the term ‘value in use’ in the context of SMEs

would read as follows:

“Value in use is the present value of estimated future cash flows expected

to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the

end of its useful life, or a reasonable estimate thereof”.

The above change in the definition of ‘value in use’ implies that instead of

using the present value technique, a reasonable estimate of the ‘value in use’ can

be made. Consequently, if an SME chooses to measure the ‘value in use’ by not

using the present value technique, the relevant provisions of AS 28, such as discount

rate etc., would not be applicable to such SME. Further, such SME need not

disclose the information required by paragraph 121(g) of the Standard. Subject to

this, the other provisions of AS 28 would be applicable to SMEs.

[For full text of the Announcement issued in this regard, reference may be made to

the section titled ‘Announcements of the Council regarding status of various documents

issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’ appearing at the

beginning of this Compendium.]

572 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Net selling price is the amount obtainable from the sale of an asset in

an arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties,

less the costs of disposal.

Costs of disposal are incremental costs directly attributable to the

disposal of an asset, excluding finance costs and income tax expense.

An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an

asset exceeds its recoverable amount.

Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognised in the

balance sheet after deducting any accumulated depreciation

(amortisation) and accumulated impairment losses thereon.

Depreciation (Amortisation) is a systematic allocation of the depreciable

amount of an asset over its useful life.9

Depreciable amount is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted

for cost in the financial statements, less its residual value.

Useful life is either:

(a) the period of time over which an asset is expected to be used

by the enterprise; or

(b) the number of production or similar units expected to be

obtained from the asset by the enterprise.

A cash generating unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that

generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent

of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.

Corporate assets are assets other than goodwill that contribute to the

future cash flows of both the cash generating unit under review and

other cash generating units.

An active market is a market where all the following conditions exist :

(a) the items traded within the market are homogeneous;

9 In the case of an intangible asset or goodwill, the term ‘amortisation’ is generally

used instead of ‘depreciation’. Both terms have the same meaning.

Impairment of Assets 573

(b) willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any time;


(c) prices are available to the public.

Identifying anAsset thatmay be Impaired

5. An asset is impaired when the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its

recoverable amount. Paragraphs 6 to 13 specify when recoverable amount

should be determined. These requirements use the term ‘an asset’ but apply

equally to an individual asset or a cash-generating unit.

6. An enterprise should assess at each balance sheet date whether

there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such

indication exists, the enterprise should estimate the recoverable amount

of the asset.

7. Paragraphs 8 to 10 describe some indications that an impairment loss

may have occurred: if any of those indications is present, an enterprise is

required to make a formal estimate of recoverable amount. If no indication

of a potential impairment loss is present, this Statement does not require an

enterprise to make a formal estimate of recoverable amount.

8. In assessing whether there is any indication that an asset may be

impaired, an enterprise should consider, as a minimum, the following


External sources of information

(a) during the period, an asset’s market value has declined

significantly more than would be expected as a result of the

passage of time or normal use;

(b) significant changes with an adverse effect on the enterprise

have taken place during the period, or will take place in the

near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal

environment in which the enterprise operates or in the market

to which an asset is dedicated;

574 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(c) market interest rates or other market rates of return on

investments have increased during the period, and those

increases are likely to affect the discount rate used in

calculating an asset’s value in use and decrease the asset’s

recoverable amount materially;

(d) the carrying amount of the net assets of the reporting

enterprise is more than its market capitalisation;

Internal sources of information

(e) evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of

an asset;

(f) significant changes with an adverse effect on the enterprise

have taken place during the period, or are expected to take

place in the near future, in the extent to which, or manner in

which, an asset is used or is expected to be used. These changes

include plans to discontinue or restructure the operation to

which an asset belongs or to dispose of an asset before the

previously expected date; and

(g) evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates

that the economic performance of an asset is, or will be, worse

than expected.

9. The list of paragraph 8 is not exhaustive. An enterprise may identify

other indications that an assetmay be impaired and these would also require

the enterprise to determine the asset’s recoverable amount.

10. Evidence from internal reporting that indicates that an asset may be

impaired includes the existence of:

(a) cash flows for acquiring the asset, or subsequent cash needs for

operating ormaintaining it, that are significantly higher than those

originally budgeted;

(b) actual net cash flows or operating profit or loss flowing from the

asset that are significantly worse than those budgeted;

Impairment of Assets 575

(c) a significant decline in budgeted net cash flows or operating profit,

or a significant increase in budgeted loss, flowing fromthe asset;


(d) operating losses or net cash outflows for the asset, when current

period figures are aggregated with budgeted figures for the future.

11. The concept ofmateriality applies in identifyingwhether the recoverable

amount of an asset needs to be estimated. For example, if previous

calculations show that an asset’s recoverable amount is significantly

greater than its carrying amount, the enterprise need not re-estimate the

asset’s recoverable amount if no events have occurred that would eliminate

that difference. Similarly, previous analysis may show that an asset’s

recoverable amount is not sensitive to one (or more) of the indications listed

in paragraph 8.

12. As an illustration of paragraph 11, if market interest rates or other

market rates of return on investments have increased during the period, an

enterprise is not required to make a formal estimate of an asset’s recoverable

amount in the following cases:

(a) if the discount rate used in calculating the asset’s value in use is

unlikely to be affected by the increase in these market rates. For

example, increases in short-term interest rates may not have a

material effect on the discount rate used for an asset that has a

long remaining useful life; or

(b) if the discount rate used in calculating the asset’s value in use is

likely to be affected by the increase in these market rates but

previous sensitivity analysis of recoverable amount shows that:

(i) it is unlikely that there will be a material decrease in

recoverable amountbecause future cash flows are also likely

to increase. For example, in some cases, an enterprise may

be able to demonstrate that it adjusts its revenues to

compensate for any increase in market rates; or

(ii) the decrease in recoverable amount is unlikely to result in a

material impairment loss.

576 AS 28 (issued 2002)

13. If there is an indication that an assetmay be impaired, thismay indicate

that the remaining useful life, the depreciation (amortisation) method or the

residual value for the asset need to be reviewed and adjusted under the

Accounting Standard applicable to the asset, such as Accounting Standard

(AS) 6, Depreciation Accounting1 0 , even if no impairment loss is recognised

for the asset.

Measurement ofRecoverableAmount

14. This Statement defines recoverable amount as the higher of an asset’s

net selling price and value in use. Paragraphs 15 to 55 set out the requirements

for measuring recoverable amount. These requirements use the term ‘an

asset’ but apply equally to an individual asset or a cash-generating unit.

15. It is not always necessary to determine both an asset’s net selling price

and its value in use. For example, if either of these amounts exceeds the

asset’s carrying amount, the asset is not impaired and it is not necessary to

estimate the other amount.

16. It may be possible to determine net selling price, even if an asset is not

traded in an active market. However, sometimes it will not be possible to

determine net selling price because there is no basis for making a reliable

estimate of the amount obtainable from the sale of the asset in an arm’s

length transaction between knowledgeable and willing parties. In this case,

the recoverable amount of the asset may be taken to be its value in use.

17. If there is no reason to believe that an asset’s value in use materially

exceeds its net selling price, the asset’s recoverable amount may be taken to

be its net selling price. This will often be the case for an asset that is held for

disposal. This is because the value in use of an asset held for disposal will

consistmainly of the net disposal proceeds, since the future cash flows from

continuing use of the asset until its disposal are likely to be negligible.

18. Recoverable amount is determined for an individual asset, unless the

asset does not generate cash inflows from continuing use that are largely

independent of those from other assets or groups of assets. If this is the

10 From the date of Accounting Standard (AS) 26, ‘Intangible Assets’, becoming

mandatory for the concerned enterprises, AS 6 stands withdrawn insofar as it relates

to the amortisation (depreciation) of intangible assets (see AS 26).

Impairment of Assets 577

case, recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which

the asset belongs (see paragraphs 63 to 86), unless either:

(a) the asset’s net selling price is higher than its carrying amount; or

(b) the asset’s value in use can be estimated to be close to its net

selling price and net selling price can be determined.

19. In some cases, estimates, averages and simplified computations may

provide a reasonable approximation of the detailed computations illustrated

in this Statement for determining net selling price or value in use.

Net Selling Price

20. The best evidence of an asset’s net selling price is a price in a binding

sale agreement in an arm’s length transaction, adjusted for incremental costs

that would be directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.

21. If there is no binding sale agreement but an asset is traded in an active

market, net selling price is the asset’s market price less the costs of disposal.

The appropriate market price is usually the current bid price.When current

bid prices are unavailable, the price of themost recent transactionmay provide

a basis from which to estimate net selling price, provided that there has not

been a significant change in economic circumstances between the transaction

date and the date at which the estimate is made.

22. If there is no binding sale agreement or active market for an asset, net

selling price is based on the best information available to reflect the amount

that an enterprise could obtain, at the balance sheet date, for the disposal of

the asset in an arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable,willing parties,

after deducting the costs of disposal. In determining this amount, an enterprise

considers the outcome of recent transactions for similar assets within the

same industry. Net selling price does not reflect a forced sale, unless

management is compelled to sell immediately.

23. Costs of disposal, other than those that have already been recognised

as liabilities, are deducted in determining net selling price. Examples of such

costs are legal costs, costs of removing the asset, and direct incremental

costs to bring an asset into condition for its sale. However, termination

benefits and costs associated with reducing or reorganising a business

578 AS 28 (issued 2002)

following the disposal of an asset are not direct incremental costs to dispose

of the asset.

24. Sometimes, the disposal of an asset would require the buyer to take

over a liability and only a single net selling price is available for both the asset

and the liability. Paragraph 76 explains how to deal with such cases.

Value in Use

25. Estimating the value in use of an asset involves the following steps:

(a) estimating the future cash inflows and outflows arising from

continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal; and

(b) applying the appropriate discount rate to these future cash flows.

Basis for Estimates of Future Cash Flows

26. In measuring value in use:

(a) cash flow projections should be based on reasonable and

supportable assumptions that represent management’s best

estimate of the set of economic conditions that will exist over

the remaining useful life of the asset. Greater weight should

be given to external evidence;

(b) cash flow projections should be based on the most recent

financial budgets/forecasts that have been approved by

management. Projections based on these budgets/forecasts

should cover a maximum period of five years, unless a longer

period can be justified; and

(c) cash flow projections beyond the period covered by the most

recent budgets/forecasts should be estimated by extrapolating

the projections based on the budgets/forecasts using a steady

or declining growth rate for subsequent years, unless an

increasing rate can be justified. This growth rate should not

exceed the long-term average growth rate for the products,

industries, or country or countries in which the enterprise

operates, or for the market in which the asset is used, unless

a higher rate can be justified.

Impairment of Assets 579

27. Detailed, explicit and reliable financial budgets/forecasts of future cash

flows for periods longer than five years are generally not available. For this

reason, management’s estimates of future cash flows are based on the most

recent budgets/forecasts for a maximum of five years. Management may

use cash flow projections based on financial budgets/forecasts over a period

longer than five years if management is confident that these projections are

reliable and it can demonstrate its ability, based on past experience, to forecast

cash flows accurately over that longer period.

28. Cash flowprojections until the end of an asset’s useful life are estimated

by extrapolating the cash flow projections based on the financial budgets/

forecasts using a growth rate for subsequent years. This rate is steady or

declining, unless an increase in the ratematches objective information about

patterns over a product or industry lifecycle. If appropriate, the growth rate

is zero or negative.

29. Where conditions are very favourable, competitors are likely to enter

the market and restrict growth. Therefore, enterprises will have difficulty in

exceeding the average historical growth rate over the long term (say, twenty

years) for the products, industries, or country or countries in which the

enterprise operates, or for the market in which the asset is used.

30. In using information from financial budgets/forecasts, an enterprise

considers whether the information reflects reasonable and supportable

assumptions and represents management’s best estimate of the set of

economic conditions thatwill exist over the remaining useful life of the asset.

Composition of Estimates of Future Cash Flows

31. Estimates of future cash flows should include:

(a) projections of cash inflows from the continuing use of the asset;

(b) projections of cash outflows that are necessarily incurred to

generate the cash inflows from continuing use of the asset

(including cash outflows to prepare the asset for use) and

that can be directly attributed, or allocated on a reasonable

and consistent basis, to the asset; and

(c) net cash flows, if any, to be received (or paid) for the disposal

of the asset at the end of its useful life.

580 AS 28 (issued 2002)

32. Estimates of future cash flows and the discount rate reflect consistent

assumptions about price increases due to general inflation. Therefore, if the

discount rate includes the effect of price increases due to general inflation,

future cash flows are estimated in nominal terms. If the discount rate

excludes the effect of price increases due to general inflation, future cash

flows are

estimated in real terms but include future specific price increases or


33. Projections of cash outflows include future overheads that can be

attributed directly, or allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis, to the

use of the asset.

34. When the carrying amount of an asset does not yet include all the cash

outflows to be incurred before it is ready for use or sale, the estimate of

future cash outflows includes an estimate of any further cash outflow that is

expected to be incurred before the asset is ready for use or sale. For example,

this is the case for a building under construction or for a development project

that is not yet completed.

35. To avoid double counting, estimates of future cash flows do not include:

(a) cash inflows from assets that generate cash inflows from

continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows

from the asset under review (for example, financial assets such

as receivables); and

(b) cash outflows that relate to obligations that have already been

recognised as liabilities (for example, payables, pensions or


36. Future cash flows should be estimated for the asset in its current

condition. Estimates of future cash flows should not include estimated

future cash inflows or outflows that are expected to arise from:

(a) a future restructuring to which an enterprise is not yet

committed; or

(b) future capital expenditure that will improve or enhance the

asset in excess of its originally assessed standard of


Impairment of Assets 581

37. Because future cash flows are estimated for the asset in its current

condition, value in use does not reflect:

(a) future cash outflows or related cost savings (for example,

reductions in staff costs) or benefits that are expected to arise

from a future restructuring to which an enterprise is not yet

committed; or

(b) future capital expenditure that will improve or enhance the asset

in excess of its originally assessed standard of performance or

the related future benefits from this future expenditure.

38. A restructuring is a programme that is planned and controlled by

management and that materially changes either the scope of the business

undertaken by an enterprise or the manner in which the business is


39. When an enterprise becomes committed to a restructuring, some assets

are likely to be affected by this restructuring.Once the enterprise is committed

to the restructuring, in determining value in use, estimates of future cash

inflows and cash outflows reflect the cost savings and other benefits from

the restructuring (based on the most recent financial budgets/forecasts that

have been approved by management).

Example 5 given in theAppendix illustrates the effect of a future restructuring

on a value in use calculation.

40. Until an enterprise incurs capital expenditure that improves or enhances

an asset in excess of its originally assessed standard of performance, estimates

of future cash flows do not include the estimated future cash inflows that are

expected to arise from this expenditure (see Example 6 given in the


41. Estimates of future cash flows include future capital expenditure

necessary to maintain or sustain an asset at its originally assessed standard

of performance.

42. Estimates of future cash flows should not include:

(a) cash inflows or outflows from financing activities; or

(b) income tax receipts or payments.

582 AS 28 (issued 2002)

43. Estimated future cash flows reflect assumptions that are consistent

with the way the discount rate is determined. Otherwise, the effect of some

assumptions will be counted twice or ignored. Because the time value of

money is considered by discounting the estimated future cash flows, these

cash flows exclude cash inflows or outflows from financing activities.

Similarly, since the discount rate is determined on a pre-tax basis, future

cash flows are also estimated on a pre-tax basis.

44. The estimate of net cash flows to be received (or paid) for the

disposal of an asset at the end of its useful life should be the amount

that an enterprise expects to obtain from the disposal of the asset in an

arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, after

deducting the estimated costs of disposal.

45. The estimate of net cash flows to be received (or paid) for the disposal

of an asset at the end of its useful life is determined in a similar way to an

asset’s net selling price, except that, in estimating those net cash flows:

(a) an enterprise uses prices prevailing at the date of the estimate for

similar assets that have reached the end of their useful life and

that have operated under conditions similar to those in which the

asset will be used; and

(b) those prices are adjusted for the effect of both future price

increases due to general inflation and specific future price increases

(decreases). However, if estimates of future cash flows

from the asset’s continuing use and the discount rate exclude the

effect of general inflation, this effect is also excluded from the

estimate of net cash flows on disposal.

Foreign Currency Future Cash Flows

46. Future cash flows are estimated in the currency in which they will be

generated and then discounted using a discount rate appropriate for

that currency. An enterprise translates the present value obtained

using the exchange rate at the balance sheet date (described in

Accounting Standard

(AS) 11,Accounting for the Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates11 ,

as the closing rate).

11 AS 11 has been revised in 2003, and titled as ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign

Exchange Rates’. The revised Standard is published elsewhere in this Compendium.

Impairment of Assets 583

Discount Rate

47. The discount rate(s) should be a pre tax rate(s) that reflect(s)

current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks

specific to the asset. The discount rate(s) should not reflect risks

for which future cash flow estimates have been adjusted.

48. A rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of

money and the risks specific to the asset is the return that investors would

require if they were to choose an investment that would generate cash flows

of amounts, timing and risk profile equivalent to those that the enterprise expects

to derive fromthe asset. This rate is estimated fromthe rate implicit in current

market transactions for similar assets or from the weighted average cost of

capital of a listed enterprise that has a single asset (or a portfolio of assets)

similar in terms of service potential and risks to the asset under review.

49. When an asset-specific rate is not directly available from the market,

an enterprise uses other bases to estimate the discount rate. The purpose is

to estimate, as far as possible, a market assessment of:

(a) the time value of money for the periods until the end of the asset’s

useful life; and

(b) the risks that the future cash flows will differ in amount or timing

from estimates.

50. As a starting point, the enterprisemay take into account the following rates:

(a) the enterprise’s weighted average cost of capital determined using

techniques such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model;

(b) the enterprise’s incremental borrowing rate; and

(c) other market borrowing rates.

51. These rates are adjusted:

(a) to reflect the way that the market would assess the specific risks

associated with the projected cash flows; and

(b) to exclude risks that are not relevant to the projected cash flows.

584 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Consideration is given to risks such as country risk, currency risk, price risk

and cash flow risk.

52. To avoid double counting, the discount rate does not reflect risks for

which future cash flow estimates have been adjusted.

53. The discount rate is independent of the enterprise’s capital structure

and the way the enterprise financed the purchase of the asset because the

future cash flows expected to arise from an asset do not depend on the way

in which the enterprise financed the purchase of the asset.

54. When the basis for the rate is post-tax, that basis is adjusted to reflect

a pre-tax rate.

55. An enterprise normally uses a single discount rate for the estimate of

an asset’s value in use. However, an enterprise uses separate discount rates

for different future periods where value in use is sensitive to a difference in

risks for different periods or to the term structure of interest rates.

Recognition and Measurement of an Impairment


56. Paragraphs 57 to 62 set out the requirements for recognising and

measuring impairment losses for an individual asset. Recognition and

measurement of impairment losses for a cash-generating unit are dealt with

in paragraphs 87 to 92.

57. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying

amount, the carrying amount of the asset should be reduced to its

recoverable amount. That reduction is an impairment loss.

58. An impairment loss should be recognised as an expense in the

statement of profit and loss immediately, unless the asset is carried at

revalued amount in accordance with another Accounting Standard (see

Accounting Standard (AS) 10, Accounting for Fixed Assets), in which

case any impairment loss of a revalued asset should be treated as a

revaluation decrease under that Accounting Standard.

59. An impairment loss on a revalued asset is recognised as an expense in

the statement of profit and loss. However, an impairment loss on a revalued

Impairment of Assets 585

asset is recognised directly against any revaluation surplus for the asset to

the extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the amount held in the

revaluation surplus for that same asset.

60. When the amount estimated for an impairment loss is greater

than the carrying amount of the asset to which it relates, an enterprise

should recognise a liability if, and only if, that is required by another

Accounting Standard.

61. After the recognition of an impairment loss, the depreciation

(amortisation) charge for the asset should be adjusted in future periods

to allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount, less its residual value

(if any), on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life.

62. If an impairment loss is recognised, any related deferred tax assets or

liabilities are determined under Accounting Standard (AS) 22, Accounting

for Taxes on Income (see Example 3 given in the Appendix).


63. Paragraphs 64 to 92 set out the requirements for identifying the cashgenerating

unit towhich an asset belongs and determining the carrying amount

of, and recognising impairment losses for, cash-generating units.

Identification of the Cash-Generating Unit to Which an

Asset Belongs

64. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the

recoverable amount should be estimated for the individual asset. If it is not

possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, an

enterprise should determine the recoverable amount of the cash-generating

unit to which the asset belongs (the asset’s cash-generating unit).

65. The recoverable amount of an individual asset cannot be determined if:

(a) the asset’s value in use cannot be estimated to be close to its net

selling price (for example, when the future cash flows from

continuing use of the asset cannot be estimated to be negligible);


586 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(b) the asset does not generate cash inflows fromcontinuing use that

are largely independent of those from other assets. In such cases,

value in use and, therefore, recoverable amount, can be determined

only for the asset’s cash-generating unit.


A mining enterprise owns a private railway to support its mining

activities. The private railway could be sold only for scrap value and

the private railway does not generate cash inflows fromcontinuing use

that are largely independent of the cash inflows from the other assets

of the mine.

It is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the private

railway because the value in use of the private railway cannot be

determined and it is probably different from scrap value. Therefore,

the enterprise estimates the recoverable amount of the cashgenerating

unit to which the private railway belongs, that is, the

mine as a whole.

66. As defined in paragraph 4, an asset’s cash-generating unit is the smallest

group of assets that includes the asset and that generates cash inflows from

continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other

assets or groups of assets. Identification of an asset’s cash-generating unit

involves judgement. If recoverable amount cannot be determined for an

individual asset, an enterprise identifies the lowest aggregation of assets that

generate largely independent cash inflows from continuing use.


A bus company provides services under contract with a municipality

that requires minimum service on each of five separate routes. Assets

devoted to each route and the cash flows from each route can be

identified separately. One of the routes operates at a significant loss.

Because the enterprise does not have the option to curtail any one

bus route, the lowest level of identifiable cash inflows from continuing

use that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets

or groups of assets is the cash inflows generated by the five routes

together. The cash-generating unit for each route is the bus company

as a whole.

Impairment of Assets 587

67. Cash inflows from continuing use are inflows of cash and cash

equivalents received from parties outside the reporting enterprise. In

identifying whether cash inflows from an asset (or group of assets) are

largely independent of the cash inflows fromother assets (or groups of assets),

an enterprise considers various factors including howmanagementmonitors

the enterprise’s operations (such as by product lines, businesses, individual

locations, districts or regional areas or in some otherway) or howmanagement

makes decisions about continuing or disposing of the enterprise’s assets and

operations. Example 1 in the Appendix gives examples of identification of a

cash-generating unit.

68. If an active market exists for the output produced by an asset or a

group of assets, this asset or group of assets should be identified as a

separate cash-generating unit, even if some or all of the output is used

internally. If this is the case, management’s best estimate of future

market prices for the output should be used:

(a) in determining the value in use of this cash-generating unit,

when estimating the future cash inflows that relate to the

internal use of the output; and

(b) in determining the value in use of other cash-generating units

of the reporting enterprise, when estimating the future cash

outflows that relate to the internal use of the output.

69. Even if part or all of the output produced by an asset or a group of

assets is used by other units of the reporting enterprise (for example, products

at an intermediate stage of a production process), this asset or group of

assets forms a separate cash-generating unit if the enterprise could sell this

output in an active market. This is because this asset or group of assets

could generate cash inflows from continuing use that would be largely

independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. In

using information based on financial budgets/forecasts that relates to such a

cash-generating unit, an enterprise adjusts this information if internal transfer

prices do not reflect management’s best estimate of future market prices for

the cash-generating unit’s output.

70. Cash-generating units should be identified consistently from

period to period for the same asset or types of assets, unless a change is


588 AS 28 (issued 2002)

71. If an enterprise determines that an asset belongs to a different cashgenerating

unit than in previous periods, or that the types of assets aggregated

for the asset’s cash-generating unit have changed, paragraph 121 requires

certain disclosures about the cash-generating unit, if an impairment loss is

recognised or reversed for the cash-generating unit and is material to the

financial statements of the reporting enterprise as a whole.

Recoverable Amount and Carrying Amount of a Cash-

Generating Unit

72. The recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit is the higher of the

cash-generating unit’s net selling price and value in use. For the purpose of

determining the recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit, any reference

in paragraphs 15 to 55 to ‘an asset’ is read as a reference to ‘a cashgenerating


73. The carrying amount of a cash-generating unit should be

determined consistently with the way the recoverable amount of the

cash-generating unit is determined.

74. The carrying amount of a cash-generating unit:

(a) includes the carrying amount of only those assets that can be

attributed directly, or allocated on a reasonable and consistent

basis, to the cash-generating unit and that will generate the future

cash inflows estimated in determining the cash-generating unit’s

value in use; and

(b) does not include the carrying amount of any recognised liability,

unless the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit cannot

be determined without consideration of this liability.

This is because net selling price and value in use of a cash-generating unit

are determined excluding cash flows that relate to assets that are not part of

the cash-generating unit and liabilities that have already been recognised in

the financial statements, as set out in paragraphs 23 and 35.

75. Where assets are grouped for recoverability assessments, it is important

to include in the cash-generating unit all assets that generate the relevant

stream of cash inflows from continuing use. Otherwise, the cash-generating

Impairment of Assets 589

unit may appear to be fully recoverable when in fact an impairment loss has

occurred. In some cases, although certain assets contribute to the estimated

future cash flows of a cash-generating unit, they cannot be allocated to the

cash-generating unit on a reasonable and consistent basis. This might be the

case for goodwill or corporate assets such as head office assets. Paragraphs

78 to 86 explain how to deal with these assets in testing a cash-generating

unit for impairment.

76. Itmay be necessary to consider certain recognised liabilities in order to

determine the recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit. This may occur

if the disposal of a cash-generating unit would require the buyer to take over

a liability. In this case, the net selling price (or the estimated cash flow from

ultimate disposal) of the cash-generating unit is the estimated selling price

for the assets of the cash-generating unit and the liability together, less the

costs of disposal. In order to perform a meaningful comparison between the

carrying amount of the cash-generating unit and its recoverable amount, the

carrying amount of the liability is deducted in determining both the cashgenerating

unit’s value in use and its carrying amount.


A company operates a mine in a country where legislation requires

that the owner must restore the site on completion of its mining

operations. The cost of restoration includes the replacement of the

overburden, which must be removed before mining operations

commence. A provision for the costs to replace the overburden was

recognised as soon as the overburden was removed. The amount

provided was recognised as part of the cost of the mine and is being

depreciated over the mine’s useful life. The carrying amount of the

provision for restoration costs is Rs. 50,00,000, which is equal to the

present value of the restoration costs.

The enterprise is testing the mine for impairment. The cash-generating

unit for the mine is the mine as a whole. The enterprise has received

various offers to buy the mine at a price of around Rs. 80,00,000;

this price encompasses the fact that the buyer will take over the

obligation to restore the overburden. Disposal costs for the mine are

negligible.The value in use of themine is approximatelyRs. 1,20,00,000

excluding restoration costs. The carrying amount of the mine is Rs.


590 AS 28 (issued 2002)

The net selling price for the cash-generating unit is Rs. 80,00,000.

This amount considers restoration costs that have already been

provided for. As a consequence, the value in use for the cashgenerating

unit is determined after consideration of the restoration

costs and is estimated to be Rs. 70,00,000 (Rs. 1,20,00,000 less Rs.

50,00,000). The carrying amount of the cash-generating unit is Rs.

50,00,000, which is the carrying amount of the mine (Rs.

1,00,00,000) less the carrying amount of the provision for restoration

costs (Rs. 50,00,000).

77. For practical reasons, the recoverable amount of a cash-generating

unit is sometimes determined after consideration of assets that are not part

of the cash-generating unit (for example, receivables or other financial assets)

or liabilities that have already been recognised in the financial statements

(for example, payables, pensions and other provisions). In such cases, the

carrying amount of the cash-generating unit is increased by the carrying

amount of those assets and decreased by the carrying amount of those



78. In testing a cash-generating unit for impairment, an enterprise

should identify whether goodwill that relates to this cash-generating

unit is recognised in the financial statements. If this is the case, an

enterprise should:

(a) perform a ‘bottom-up’ test, that is, the enterprise should:

(i) identify whether the carrying amount of goodwill can be

allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to the

cash-generating unit under review; and

(ii) then, compare the recoverable amount of the cashgenerating

unit under review to its carrying amount

(including the carrying amount of allocated goodwill, if

any) and recognise any impairment loss in accordance

with paragraph 87.

Impairment of Assets 591

The enterprise should perform the step at (ii) above even if

none of the carrying amount of goodwill can be allocated on

a reasonable and consistent basis to the cash-generating unit

under review; and

(b) if, in performing the ‘bottom-up’ test, the enterprise could

not allocate the carrying amount of goodwill on a reasonable

and consistent basis to the cash-generating unit under review,

the enterprise should also perform a ‘top-down’ test, that is,

the enterprise should:

(i) identify the smallest cash-generating unit that includes

the cash-generating unit under review and to which the

carrying amount of goodwill can be allocated on a

reasonable and consistent basis (the ‘larger’ cashgenerating

unit); and

(ii) then, compare the recoverable amount of the larger cashgenerating

unit to its carrying amount (including the

carrying amount of allocated goodwill) and recognise

any impairment loss in accordance with paragraph 87.

79. Goodwill arising on acquisition represents a payment made by an

acquirer in anticipation of future economic benefits. The future economic

benefits may result fromsynergy between the identifiable assets acquired or

from assets that individually do not qualify for recognition in the financial

statements.Goodwill does not generate cash flows independently fromother

assets or groups of assets and, therefore, the recoverable amount of goodwill

as an individual asset cannot be determined. As a consequence, if there is an

indication that goodwillmay be impaired, recoverable amount is determined

for the cash-generating unit to which goodwill belongs. This amount is then

compared to the carrying amount of this cash-generating unit and any

impairment loss is recognised in accordance with paragraph 87.

80. Whenever a cash-generating unit is tested for impairment, an enterprise

considers any goodwill that is associated with the future cash flows to be

generated by the cash-generating unit. If goodwill can be allocated on a

reasonable and consistent basis, an enterprise applies the ‘bottom-up’ test

only. If it is not possible to allocate goodwill on a reasonable and consistent

basis, an enterprise applies both the ‘bottom-up’ test and ‘top-down’ test

(see Example 7 given in the Appendix).

592 AS 28 (issued 2002)

81. The ‘bottom-up’ test ensures that an enterprise recognises any

impairment loss that exists for a cash-generating unit, including for goodwill

that can be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis. Whenever it is

impracticable to allocate goodwill on a reasonable and consistent basis in the

‘bottom-up’ test, the combination of the ‘bottom-up’ and the ‘top-down’ test

ensures that an enterprise recognises:

(a) first, any impairment loss that exists for the cash-generating unit

excluding any consideration of goodwill; and

(b) then, any impairment loss that exists for goodwill. Because an

enterprise applies the ‘bottom-up’ test first to all assets that may

be impaired, any impairment loss identified for the larger cashgenerating

unit in the ‘top-down’ test relates only to goodwill

allocated to the larger unit.

82. If the ‘top-down’ test is applied, an enterprise formally determines the

recoverable amount of the larger cash-generating unit, unless there is

persuasive evidence that there is no risk that the larger cash-generating unit

is impaired.

Corporate Assets

83. Corporate assets include group or divisional assets such as the building

of a headquarters or a division of the enterprise,EDP equipment or a research

centre. The structure of an enterprise determines whether an asset meets

the definition of corporate assets (see paragraph 4) for a particular

cash- generating unit. Key characteristics of corporate assets are that they

do not generate cash inflows independently from other assets or groups of

assets and their carrying amount cannot be fully attributed to the cashgenerating

unit under review.

84. Because corporate assets do not generate separate cash inflows, the

recoverable amount of an individual corporate asset cannot be determined

unless management has decided to dispose of the asset. As a consequence,

if there is an indication that a corporate asset may be impaired, recoverable

amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the corporate

asset belongs, compared to the carrying amount of this cash-generating unit

and any impairment loss is recognised in accordance with paragraph 87.

85. In testing a cash-generating unit for impairment, an enterprise

Impairment of Assets 593

should identify all the corporate assets that relate to the cash-generating

unit under review. For each identified corporate asset, an enterprise

should then apply paragraph 78, that is:

(a) if the carrying amount of the corporate asset can be allocated

on a reasonable and consistent basis to the cash-generating

unit under review, an enterprise should apply the ‘bottomup’

test only; and

(b) if the carrying amount of the corporate asset cannot be

allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to the cashgenerating

unit under review, an enterprise should apply both

the ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ tests.

86. An example of how to deal with corporate assets is given as Example

8 in the Appendix.

Impairment Loss for a Cash-Generating Unit

87. An impairment loss should be recognised for a cash-generating

unit if, and only if, its recoverable amount is less than its

carrying amount. The impairment loss should be allocated to reduce the

carrying amount of the assets of the unit in the following order:

(a) first, to goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (if any);


(b) then, to the other assets of the unit on a pro-rata basis based

on the carrying amount of each asset in the unit.

These reductions in carrying amounts should be treated as impairment

losses on individual assets and recognised in accordance with paragraph


88. In allocating an impairment loss under paragraph 87, the carrying

amount of an asset should not be reduced below the highest of:

(a) its net selling price (if determinable);

(b) its value in use (if determinable); and

(c) zero.

594 AS 28 (issued 2002)

The amount of the impairment loss that would otherwise have been

allocated to the asset should be allocated to the other assets of the unit

on a pro-rata basis.

89. The goodwill allocated to a cash-generating unit is reduced before

reducing the carrying amount of the other assets of the unit because of its


90. If there is no practical way to estimate the recoverable amount of

each individual asset of a cash-generating unit, this Statement requires the

allocation of the impairment loss between the assets of that unit other than

goodwill on a pro-rata basis, because all assets of a cash-generating unit

work together.

91. If the recoverable amount of an individual asset cannot be determined

(see paragraph 65):

(a) an impairment loss is recognised for the asset if its carrying amount

is greater than the higher of its net selling price and the results of

the allocation procedures described in paragraphs 87 and 88; and

(b) no impairment loss is recognised for the asset if the related cashgenerating

unit is not impaired. This applies even if the asset’s net

selling price is less than its carrying amount.


A machine has suffered physical damage but is still working, although

not as well as it used to. The net selling price of themachine is less than

its carrying amount. The machine does not generate independent cash

inflows from continuing use. The smallest identifiable group of assets

that includes the machine and generates cash inflows from continuing

use that are largely independent of the cash inflows fromother assets is

the production line to which the machine belongs. The recoverable

amount of the production line shows that the production line taken as a

whole is not impaired.

Assumption 1: Budgets/forecasts approved by management reflect no

commitment of management to replace the machine.

Impairment of Assets 595

The recoverable amount of the machine alone cannot be estimated

since the machine’s value in use:

(a) may differ from its net selling price; and

(b) can be determined only for the cash-generating unit to

which the machine belongs (the production line).

The production line is not impaired, therefore, no impairment loss

is recognised for the machine. Nevertheless, the enterprise may

need to reassess the depreciation period or the depreciation method

for the machine. Perhaps, a shorter depreciation period or a faster

depreciation method is required to reflect the expected remaining

useful life of the machine or the pattern in which economic benefits

are consumed by the enterprise.

Assumption 2: Budgets/forecasts approved by management reflect a

commitment of management to replace the machine and sell it in

the near future. Cash flows from continuing use of the machine

until its disposal are estimated to be negligible.

The machine’s value in use can be estimated to be close to its net

selling price. Therefore, the recoverable amount of the machine

can be determined and no consideration is given to the cashgenerating

unit to which the machine belongs (the production line).

Since the machine’s net selling price is less than its carrying amount,

an impairment loss is recognised for the machine.

92. After the requirements in paragraphs 87 and 88 have been applied,

a liability should be recognised for any remaining amount of an

impairment loss for a cash-generating unit if that is required by another

Accounting Standard.

Reversal of an Impairment Loss

93. Paragraphs 94 to 100 set out the requirements for reversing an

impairment loss recognised for an asset or a cash-generating unit in prior

accounting periods. These requirements use the term ‘an asset’ but apply

equally to an individual asset or a cash-generating unit.Additional requirements

596 AS 28 (issued 2002)

are set out for an individual asset in paragraphs 101 to 105, for a cashgenerating

unit in paragraphs 106 to 107 and for goodwill in paragraphs 108

to 111.

94. An enterprise should assess at each balance sheet date whether there

is any indication that an impairment loss recognised for an asset in prior

accounting periods may no longer exist or may have decreased. If any

such indication exists, the enterprise should estimate the recoverable

amount of that asset.

95. In assessing whether there is any indication that an impairment

loss recognised for an asset in prior accounting periods may no longer

exist or may have decreased, an enterprise should consider, as a

minimum, the following indications:

External sources of information

(a) the asset’s market value has increased significantly during

the period;

(b) significant changes with a favourable effect on the enterprise

have taken place during the period, or will take place in the

near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal

environment in which the enterprise operates or in the market

to which the asset is dedicated;

(c) market interest rates or other market rates of return on

investments have decreased during the period, and those

decreases are likely to affect the discount rate used in

calculating the asset’s value in use and increase the asset’s

recoverable amount materially;

Internal sources of information

(d) significant changes with a favourable effect on the enterprise have

taken place during the period, or are expected to take place in the

near future, in the extent to which, or manner in which, the asset

is used or is expected to be used. These changes include capital

expenditure that has been incurred during the period to improve

or enhance an asset in excess of its originally assessed standard

Impairment of Assets 597

of performance or a commitment to discontinue or restructure the

operation to which the asset belongs; and

(e) evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates

that the economic performance of the asset is, or will be, better

than expected.

96. Indications of a potential decrease in an impairment loss in paragraph

95 mainly mirror the indications of a potential impairment loss in paragraph

8. The concept of materiality applies in identifying whether an impairment

loss recognised for an asset in prior accounting periods may need to be

reversed and the recoverable amount of the asset determined.

97. If there is an indication that an impairment loss recognised for an asset

may no longer exist or may have decreased, this may indicate that the

remaining useful life, the depreciation (amortisation) method or the residual

value may need to be reviewed and adjusted in accordance with the

Accounting Standard applicable to the asset, even if no impairment loss is

reversed for the asset.

98. An impairment loss recognised for an asset in prior accounting

periods should be reversed if there has been a change in the estimates of

cash inflows, cash outflows or discount rates used to determine the asset’s

recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If this

is the case, the carrying amount of the asset should be increased to its

recoverable amount. That increase is a reversal of an impairment loss.

99. A reversal of an impairment loss reflects an increase in the estimated

service potential of an asset, either from use or sale, since the date when an

enterprise last recognised an impairment loss for that asset. An enterprise is

required to identify the change in estimates that causes the increase in

estimated service potential. Examples of changes in estimates include:

(a) a change in the basis for recoverable amount (i.e., whether

recoverable amount is based on net selling price or value in use);

(b) if recoverable amount was based on value in use: a change in the

amount or timing of estimated future cash flows or in the discount

rate; or

598 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(c) if recoverable amount was based on net selling price: a change in

estimate of the components of net selling price.

100. An asset’s value in use may become greater than the asset’s carrying

amount simply because the present value of future cash inflows increases as

they become closer. However, the service potential of the asset has not

increased. Therefore, an impairment loss is not reversed just because of the

passage of time (sometimes called the ‘unwinding’ of the discount), even if

the recoverable amount of the asset becomes higher than its carrying amount.

Reversal of an Impairment Loss for an Individual Asset

101. The increased carrying amount of an asset due to a reversal of

an impairment loss should not exceed the carrying amount that would

have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation) had no

impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior accounting periods.

102. Any increase in the carrying amount of an asset above the carrying

amount thatwould have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation)

had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior accounting

periods is a revaluation. In accounting for such a revaluation, an enterprise

applies the Accounting Standard applicable to the asset.

103. A reversal of an impairment loss for an asset should be recognised

as income immediately in the statement of profit and loss, unless the

asset is carried at revalued amount in accordance with another

Accounting Standard (see Accounting Standard (AS) 10, Accounting

for Fixed Assets) in which case any reversal of an impairment loss on a

revalued asset should be treated as a revaluation increase under that

Accounting Standard.

104. Areversal of an impairment loss on a revalued asset is credited directly

to equity under the heading revaluation surplus. However, to the extent that

an impairment loss on the same revalued asset was previously recognised as

an expense in the statement of profit and loss, a reversal of that impairment

loss is recognised as income in the statement of profit and loss.

105. After a reversal of an impairment loss is recognised, the depreciation

(amortisation) charge for the asset should be adjusted in future periods to

allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount, less its residual value (if any),

on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life.

Impairment of Assets 599

Reversal of an Impairment Loss for a Cash-Generating


106. A reversal of an impairment loss for a cash-generating unit should

be allocated to increase the carrying amount of the assets of the unit in

the following order:

(a) first, assets other than goodwill on a pro-rata basis based on

the carrying amount of each asset in the unit; and

(b) then, to goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (if any),

if the requirements in paragraph 108 are met.

These increases in carrying amounts should be treated as reversals

of impairment losses for individual assets and recognised in

accordance with paragraph 103.

107. In allocating a reversal of an impairment loss for a cashgenerating

unit under paragraph 106, the carrying amount of an asset

should not be increased above the lower of:

(a) its recoverable amount (if determinable); and

(b) the carrying amount that would have been determined (net

of amortisation or depreciation) had no impairment loss been

recognised for the asset in prior accounting periods.

The amount of the reversal of the impairment loss that would otherwise

have been allocated to the asset should be allocated to the other assets

of the unit on a pro-rata basis.

Reversal of an Impairment Loss for Goodwill

108. As an exception to the requirement in paragraph 98, an

impairment loss recognised for goodwill should not be reversed in a

subsequent period unless:

(a) the impairment loss was caused by a specific external event

of an exceptional nature that is not expected to recur; and

(b) subsequent external events have occurred that reverse the

effect of that event.

600 AS 28 (issued 2002)

109. Accounting Standard (AS) 26, Intangible Assets, prohibits the

recognition of internally generated goodwill.Any subsequent increase in the

recoverable amount of goodwill is likely to be an increase in internally

generated goodwill, unless the increase relates clearly to the reversal of the

effect of a specific external event of an exceptional nature.

110. This Statement does not permit an impairment loss to be reversed for

goodwill because of a change in estimates (for example, a change in the

discount rate or in the amount and timing of future cash flows of the cashgenerating

unit to which goodwill relates).

111. A specific external event is an event that is outside of the control of

the enterprise. Examples of external events of an exceptional nature include

new regulations that significantly curtail the operating activities, or decrease

the profitability, of the business to which the goodwill relates.

Impairment in case ofDiscontinuingOperations

112. The approval and announcement of a plan for discontinuance1 2 is an

indication that the assets attributable to the discontinuing operation may be

impaired or that an impairment loss previously recognised for those assets

should be increased or reversed. Therefore, in accordance with this

Statement, an enterprise estimates the recoverable amount of each asset of

the discontinuing operation and recognises an impairment loss or reversal of

a prior impairment loss, if any.

113. In applying this Statement to a discontinuing operation, an enterprise

determines whether the recoverable amount of an asset of a discontinuing

operation is assessed for the individual assetor for the asset’s cash-generating

unit. For example:

(a) if the enterprise sells the discontinuing operation substantially in

its entirety, none of the assets of the discontinuing operation

generate cash inflows independently fromother assets within the

discontinuing operation. Therefore, recoverable amount is

determined for the discontinuing operation as a whole and an

impairment loss, if any, is allocated among the assets of the

discontinuing operation in accordance with this Statement;

12 See Accounting Standard (AS) 24 ‘Discontinuing Operations’.

Impairment of Assets 601

(b) if the enterprise disposes of the discontinuing operation in other

ways such as piecemeal sales, the recoverable amount is

determined for individual assets, unless the assets are sold in

groups; and

(c) if the enterprise abandons the discontinuing operation, the

recoverable amount is determined for individual assets as set out

in this Statement.

114. After announcement of a plan, negotiations with potential purchasers

of the discontinuingoperation or actualbindingsale agreementsmayindicate

that the assets of the discontinuing operation may be further impaired

or that impairment losses recognised for these assets in prior periods may

have decreased. As a consequence, when such events occur, an

enterprise re- estimates the recoverable amount of the assets of the

discontinuing operation and recognises resulting impairment losses or

reversals of impairment losses

in accordance with this Statement.

115. A price in a binding sale agreement is the best evidence of an asset’s

(cash-generating unit’s) net selling price or of the estimated cash inflow

from ultimate disposal in determining the asset’s (cash-generating

unit’s) value in use.

116. The carryingamount (recoverable amount) of a discontinuingoperation

includes the carrying amount (recoverable amount) of any goodwill that can

be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to that discontinuing



117. For each class of assets, the financial statements should disclose:

(a) the amount of impairment losses recognised in the statement

of profit and loss during the period and the line item(s) of the

statement of profit and loss in which those impairment losses

are included;

(b) the amount of reversals of impairment losses recognised in

the statement of profit and loss during the period and the line

item(s) of the statement of profit and loss in which those

impairment losses are reversed;

602 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(c) the amount of impairment losses recognised directly against

revaluation surplus during the period; and

(d) the amount of reversals of impairment losses recognised

directly in revaluation surplus during the period.

118. A class of assets is a grouping of assets of similar nature and use in

an enterprise’s operations.

119. The information required in paragraph 117 may be presented with

other information disclosed for the class of assets. For example, this

information may be included in a reconciliation of the carrying amount of

fixed assets, at the beginning and end of the period, as required underAS 10,

Accounting for Fixed Assets.

120. An enterprise that applies AS 17, Segment Reporting, should

disclose the following for each reportable segment based on an

enterprise’s primary format (as defined in AS 17):

(a) the amount of impairment losses recognised in the statement

of profit and loss and directly against revaluation surplus

during the period; and

(b) the amount of reversals of impairment losses recognised in

the statement of profit and loss and directly in revaluation

surplus during the period.

121. If an impairment loss for an individual asset or a cash-generating

unit is recognised or reversed during the period and is material to the

financial statements of the reporting enterprise as a whole, an enterprise

should disclose:

(a) the events and circumstances that led to the recognition or

reversal of the impairment loss;

(b) the amount of the impairment loss recognised or reversed;

(c) for an individual asset:

(i) the nature of the asset; and

Impairment of Assets 603

(ii) the reportable segment to which the asset belongs, based

on the enterprise’s primary format (as defined in AS

17, Segment Reporting);

(d) for a cash-generating unit:

(i) a description of the cash-generating unit (such as

whether it is a product line, a plant, a business operation,

a geographical area, a reportable segment as defined

in AS 17 or other);

(ii) the amount of the impairment loss recognised or reversed

by class of assets and by reportable segment based on

the enterprise’s primary format (as defined in AS 17);


(iii) if the aggregation of assets for identifying the cashgenerating

unit has changed since the previous estimate

of the cash-generating unit’s recoverable amount (if any),

the enterprise should describe the current and former way

of aggregating assets and the reasons for changing the

way the cash-generating unit is identified;

(e) whether the recoverable amount of the asset (cash-generating

unit) is its net selling price or its value in use;

(f) if recoverable amount is net selling price, the basis used to

determine net selling price (such as whether selling price

was determined by reference to an active market or in some

other way); and

(g) if recoverable amount is value in use, the discount rate(s)

used in the current estimate and previous estimate (if any) of

value in use.13

122. If impairment losses recognised (reversed) during the period

are material in aggregate to the financial statements of the reporting

enterprise as a whole, an enterprise should disclose a brief description

of the following:

13 See also footnote 8.

604 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(a) the main classes of assets affected by impairment losses

(reversals of impairment losses) for which no information is

disclosed under paragraph 121; and

(b) the main events and circumstances that led to the recognition

(reversal) of these impairment losses for which no information

is disclosed under paragraph 121.

123. An enterprise is encouraged to disclose key assumptions used to

determine the recoverable amount of assets (cash-generating units) during

the period.


124. On the date of this Statement becoming mandatory, an enterprise

should assess whether there is any indication that an asset may be

impaired (see paragraphs 5-13). If any such indication exists, the

enterprise should determine impairment loss, if any, in accordance with

this Statement. The impairment loss, so determined, should be adjusted

against opening balance of revenue reserves being the accumulated

impairment loss relating to periods prior to this Statement becoming

mandatory unless the impairment loss is on a revalued asset. An

impairment loss on a revalued asset should be recognised directly against

any revaluation surplus for the asset to the extent that the impairment

loss does not exceed the amount held in the revaluation surplus for that

same asset. If the impairment loss exceeds the amount held in the

revaluation surplus for that same asset, the excess should be adjusted

against opening balance of revenue reserves.

125. Any impairment loss arising after the date of this Statement

becoming mandatory should be recognised in accordance with this

Statement (i.e., in the statement of profit and loss unless an asset is

carried at revalued amount. An impairment loss on a revalued asset

should be treated as a revaluation decrease).


Illustrative Examples


Impairment of Assets 605



A– Retail Store Chain A1–A4

B– Plant for an Intermediate Step in a

Production Process A5–A10

C– Single Product Enterprise A11–A16

D– Magazine Titles A17–A19

E– Building: Half Rented to Others and

Half Occupied for Own Use A20–A22






LOSS A35– A39





Continued../. .

606 AS 28 (issued 2002)




A – Goodwill Can Be Allocated on a

Reasonable and Consistent Basis A60–A62

B –Goodwill Cannot Be Allocated on a

Reasonable and Consistent Basis A63–A67




Illustrative Examples

Impairment of Assets 607

The appendix is illustrative only and does not form part of the Accounting

Standard. The purpose of the appendix is to illustrate the application

of the Accounting Standard to assist in clarifying its meaning.

All the examples in this appendix assume the enterprises concerned

have no transactions other than those described.

Example 1 - IdentificationofCash-GeneratingUnits

The purpose of this example is:

(a) to give an indication of how cash-generating units are

identified in various situations; and

(b) to highlight certain factors that an enterprise may consider

in identifying the cash-generating unit to which an asset


A - Retail Store Chain


Al. Store X belongs to a retail store chainM. Xmakes all its retail purchases

through M’s purchasing centre. Pricing, marketing, advertising and human

resources policies (except for hiring X’s cashiers and salesmen) are decided

byM.Malso owns 5 other stores in the same city as X (although in different

neighbourhoods) and 20 other stores in other cities. All stores are managed

in the same way as X. X and 4 other stores were purchased 4 years ago and

goodwill was recognised.

What is the cash-generating unit for X (X’s cash-generating unit)?


A2. In identifyingX’s cash-generating unit, an enterprise considerswhether,

for example:

608 AS 28 (issued 2002)

(a) internal management reporting is organised to measure

performance on a store-by-store basis; and

(b) the business is run on a store-by-store profit basis or on region/

city basis.

A3. All M’s stores are in different neighbourhoods and probably have

different customer bases. So, although X is managed at a corporate level, X

generates cash inflows that are largely independent from those ofM’s other

stores. Therefore, it is likely that X is a cash-generating unit.

A4. If the carrying amount of the goodwill can be allocated on a reasonable

and consistent basis to X’s cash-generating unit, M applies the ‘bottom-up’

test described in paragraph 78 of this Statement. If the carrying amount of

the goodwill cannot be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to X’s

cash-generating unit, M applies the ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ tests.

B - Plant for an Intermediate Step in a Production Process


A5. A significant raw material used for plant Y’s final production is an

intermediate product bought fromplantXof the same enterprise.X’s products

are sold to Y at a transfer price that passes all margins to X. 80% of Y’s

final production is sold to customers outside of the reporting enterprise. 60%

ofX’s final production is sold toYand the remaining 40%is sold to customers

outside of the reporting enterprise.

For each of the following cases, what are the cash-generating units for X

and Y?

Case 1: X could sell the products it sells to Y in an active market. Internal

transfer prices are higher than market prices.

Case 2: There is no active market for the products X sells to Y.


Case 1

A6. X could sell its products on an active market and, so, generate cash

inflows from continuing use that would be largely independent of the cash

Impairment of Assets 609

inflows from Y. Therefore, it is likely that X is a separate cash-generating

unit, although part of its production is used by Y (see paragraph 68 of this


A7. It is likely that Y is also a separate cash-generating unit. Y sells 80%

of its products to customers outside of the reporting enterprise. Therefore,

its cash inflows from continuing use can be considered to be largely


A8. Internal transfer prices do not reflect market prices for X’s output.

Therefore, in determining value in use of bothXandY, the enterprise adjusts

financial budgets/forecasts to reflect management’s best estimate of future

market prices for those ofX’s products that are used internally (see paragraph

68 of this Statement).

Case 2

A9. It is likely that the recoverable amount of each plant cannot be assessed

independently from the recoverable amount of the other plant because:

(a) themajority ofX’s production is used internally and could not be

sold in an activemarket. So, cash inflows ofXdepend on demand

for Y’s products. Therefore, X cannot be considered to generate

cash inflows that are largely independent from those of Y; and

(b) the two plants are managed together.

A10. As a consequence, it is likely that X and Y together is the smallest

group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are

largely independent.

C - Single Product Enterprise


A11. Enterprise M produces a single product and owns plants A, B and C.

Each plant is located in a different continent. A produces a component that

is assembled in either B or C. The combined capacity of B and C is not fully

utilised.M’s products are sold world-wide from either B or C. For example,

B’s production can be sold in C’s continent if the products can be delivered

faster from B than from C. Utilisation levels of B and C depend on the

allocation of sales between the two sites.

610 AS 28 (issued 2002)

For each of the following cases, what are the cash-generating units for A, B

and C?

Case 1: There is an active market for A’s products.

Case 2: There is no active market for A’s products.


Case 1

A12. It is likely that A is a separate cash-generating unit because there is

an active market for its products (see Example B-Plant for an Intermediate

Step in a Production Process, Case 1).

A13. Although there is an active market for the products assembled by B

and C, cash inflows for B and C depend on the allocation of production

across the two sites. It is unlikely that the future cash inflows for B and C

can be determined individually. Therefore, it is likely thatBand Ctogether is

the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows from

continuing use that are largely independent.

A14. In determining the value in use ofAand B plusC,Madjusts financial

budgets/forecasts to reflect its best estimate of future market prices for A’s

products (see paragraph 68 of this Statement).

Case 2

A15. It is likely that the recoverable amount of each plant cannot be assessed

independently because:

(a) there is no active market for A’s products. Therefore, A’s cash

inflows depend on sales of the final product by B and C; and

(b) although there is an active market for the products assembled by

B and C, cash inflows for B and C depend on the allocation of

production across the two sites. It is unlikely that the future cash

inflows for B and C can be determined individually.

A16. As a consequence, it is likely that A, B and C together (i.e., M as a

whole) is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows

from continuing use that are largely independent.

D -Magazine Titles


Impairment of Assets 611

A17. A publisher owns 150 magazine titles of which 70 were purchased

and 80 were self-created. The price paid for a purchased magazine title is

recognised as an intangible asset. The costs of creating magazine titles and

maintaining the existing titles are recognised as an expense when incurred.

Cash inflows from direct sales and advertising are identifiable for each

magazine title. Titles are managed by customer segments. The level of

advertising income for a magazine title depends on the range of titles in the

customer segment to which the magazine title relates. Management has a

policy to abandon old titles before the end of their economic lives and replace

them immediately with new titles for the same customer segment.

What is the cash-generating unit for an individual magazine title?


A18. It is likely that the recoverable amount of an individualmagazine title

can be assessed. Even though the level of advertising income for a title is

influenced, to a certain extent, by the other titles in the customer segment,

cash inflows from direct sales and advertising are identifiable for each title.

In addition, although titles are managed by customer segments, decisions to

abandon titles are made on an individual title basis.

A19. Therefore, it is likely that individual magazine titles generate cash

inflows that are largelyindependentone fromanother and that eachmagazine

title is a separate cash-generating unit.

E - Building: Half-Rented to Others and Half-Occupied for

Own Use


A20. M is a manufacturing company. It owns a headquarter building that

used to be fully occupied for internal use. After down-sizing, half of the

building is now used internally and half rented to third parties. The lease

agreement with the tenant is for five years.

What is the cash-generating unit of the building?

612 AS 28 (issued 2002)


A21. The primary purpose of the building is to serve as a corporate asset,

supportingM’s manufacturing activities. Therefore, the building as a whole

cannot be considered to generate cash inflows that are largely independent

of the cash inflows from the enterprise as a whole. So, it is likely that the

cash-generating unit for the building is M as a whole.

A22. The building is not held as an investment. Therefore, it would not be

appropriate to determine the value in use of the building based on projections

of future market related rents.

Example 2 - Calculation of Value in Use and

Recognition of an ImpairmentLoss

In this example, tax effects are ignored.

Background and Calculation of Value in Use

A23. At the end of 20X0, enterprise T acquires enterpriseMfor Rs. 10,000

lakhs.Mhas manufacturing plants in 3 countries. The anticipated useful life

of the resulting merged activities is 15 years.

Schedule 1. Data at the end of 20X0 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X0 Allocation of Fair value of Goodwill(1)

purchase price identifiable assets

Activities in Country A 3,000 2,000 1,000

Activities in Country B 2,000 1,500 500

Activities in Country C 5,000 3,500 1,500

Total 10,000 7,000 3,000

(1) Activities in each country are the smallest cash-generating units to which goodwill

can be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis (allocation based on the

purchase price of the activities in each country, as specified in the purchase agreement).

A24. T uses straight-line depreciation over a 15-year life for the Country

A assets and no residual value is anticipated. In respect of goodwill, T uses

straight-line amortisation over a 5 year life.

Impairment of Assets 613

A25. In 20X4, a new government is elected in Country A. It passes

legislation significantly restricting exports of T’s main product. As a result,

and for the foreseeable future, T’s production will be cut by 40%.

A26. The significant export restriction and the resulting production

decrease require T to estimate the recoverable amount of the goodwill and

net assets of the Country A operations. The cash-generating unit for the

goodwill and the identifiable assets of the Country A operations is the

Country A operations, since no independent cash inflows can be identified

for individual assets.

A27. The net selling price of the Country A cash-generating unit is not

determinable, as it is unlikely that a ready buyer exists for all the assets of

that unit.

A28. To determine the value in use for the CountryAcash-generating unit

(see Schedule 2), T:

(a) prepares cash flow forecasts derived from the most recent

financial budgets/forecasts for the next five years (years 20X5-

20X9) approved by management;

(b) estimates subsequent cash flows (years 20X10-20X15) based

on declining growth rates. The growth rate for 20X10 is

estimated to be 3%. This rate is lower than the average longterm

growth rate for the market in Country A; and

(c) selects a 15% discount rate, which represents a pre-tax rate that

reflects current market assessments of the time value of money

and the risks specific to the Country A cash-generating unit.

Recognition and Measurement of Impairment Loss

A29. The recoverable amount of the Country A cash-generating unit is

1,360 lakhs: the higher of the net selling price of theCountryAcash-generating

unit (not determinable) and its value in use (Rs. 1,360 lakhs).

A30. T compares the recoverable amount of the CountryAcash-generating

unit to its carrying amount (see Schedule 3).

614 AS 28 (issued 2002)

A31. T recognises an impairment loss of Rs. 307 lakhs immediately in the

statement of profit and loss. The carrying amount of the goodwill that relates

to theCountryAoperations is eliminated before reducing the carrying amount

of other identifiable assets within the Country A cash-generating unit (see

paragraph 87 of this Statement).

A32. Tax effects are accounted for separately in accordance with AS 22,

Accounting for Taxes on Income.

Schedule 2. Calculation of the value in use of the CountryAcash-generating

unit at the end of 20X4 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

Year Long-term Future Present value Discounted

growth rates cash flows factor at future cash

15% discount flows

rate(3 )

20X5 (n=1) 230(1 ) 0.86957 200

20X6 253(1 ) 0.75614 191

20X7 273(1 ) 0.65752 180

20X8 290(1 ) 0.57175 166

20X9 304(1 ) 0.49718 151

20X10 3% 313(2 ) 0.43233 135

20X11 –2% 307(2 ) 0.37594 115

20X12 –6% 289(2 ) 0.32690 94

20X13 –15% 245(2 ) 0.28426 70

20X14 –25% 184(2 ) 0.24719 45

20X15 –67% 61(2 ) 0.21494 13

Value in use 1,360

(1) Based on management’s best estimate of net cash flow projections (after the 40%


(2) Based on an extrapolation from preceding year cash flow using declining growth


(3) The present value factor is calculated as k = 1/(1+a)n, where a = discount rate and

n = period of discount.

End of 20X4 Goodwill Identifiable assets Total

Historical cost 1,000 2,000 3,000

Accumulated depreciation/

amortisation (20X1-20X4) (800) (533) (1,333

Carrying amount 200 1,467 1,667

Impairment Loss (200) (107) (307)

Carrying amount after

impairment loss 0 1,360 1,360

Impairment of Assets 615

Schedule 3. Calculation and allocation of the impairment loss for theCountry

A cash-generating unit at the end of 20X4 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)


Example 3 -DeferredTax Effects

A33. An enterprise has an assetwith a carrying amount of Rs. 1,000 lakhs.

Its recoverable amount is Rs. 650 lakhs. The tax rate is 30%and the carrying

amount of the asset for tax purposes is Rs. 800 lakhs. Impairment losses are

not allowable as deduction for tax purposes. The effect of the impairment

loss is as follows:

Amount in

Rs. lakhs

Impairment Loss recognised in the statement of profit and loss 350

Impairment Loss allowed for tax purposes —

Timing Difference 350

Tax Effect of the above timing difference at 30%

(deferred tax asset) 105

Less: Deferred tax liability due to difference in depreciation for

accounting purposes and tax purposes [(1,000 – 800) x 30%] 60

Deferred tax asset 45

A34. In accordance with AS 22, Accounting for Taxes on Income, the

enterprise recognises the deferred tax asset subject to the consideration of

prudence as set out in AS 22.

616 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Example 4 -Reversal of an ImpairmentLoss

Use the data for enterprise T as presented in Example 2, with

supplementary information as provided in this example. In this example,

tax effects are ignored.


A35. In 20X6, the government is still in office inCountryA, but the business

situation is improving. The effects of the export laws on T’s production are

proving to be less drastic than initially expected bymanagement.As a result,

management estimates that productionwill increase by 30%.This favourable

change requires T to re-estimate the recoverable amount of the net assets of

the Country A operations (see paragraphs 94-95 of this Statement). The

cash-generating unit for the net assets of the CountryA operations is still the

Country A operations.

A36. Calculations similar to those in Example 2 show that the recoverable

amount of the Country A cash-generating unit is now Rs. 1,710 lakhs.

Reversal of Impairment Loss

A37. T compares the recoverable amount and the net carrying amount of

the Country A cash-generating unit.

Impairment of Assets 617

Schedule 1. Calculation of the carrying amount of the Country A cashgenerating

unit at the end of 20X6 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X4 (Example 2)

Goodwill Identifiable assets Total

Historical cost 1,000 2,000 3,000

Accumulated depreciation/

amortisation (4 years) (800) (533) (1,333)

Impairment loss (200) (107) (307)

Carrying amount after

impairment loss 0 1,360 1,360

End of 20X6

Additional depreciation

(2 years)(1) – (247) (247)

Carrying amount 0 1,113 1,113

Recoverable amount 1,710

Excess of recoverable amount

over carrying amount 597

(1)After recognition of the impairment loss at the end of 20X4, T revised the

depreciation charge for the Country A identifiable assets (from Rs. 133.3 lakhs per

year to Rs. 123.7 lakhs per year), based on the revised carrying amount and remaining

useful life (11 years).

A38. There has been a favourable change in the estimates used to determine

the recoverable amount of the CountryAnet assets since the last impairment

loss was recognised. Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 98 of this

Statement, T recognises a reversal of the impairment loss recognised in


A39. In accordance with paragraphs 106 and 107 of this Statement, T

increases the carrying amount of the Country A identifiable assets by Rs. 87

lakhs (see Schedule 3), i.e., up to the lower of recoverable amount


1,710 lakhs) and the identifiable assets’ depreciated historical cost (Rs. 1,200

lakhs) (see Schedule 2). This increase is recognised in the statement of

profit and loss immediately.

618 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Schedule 2. Determination of the depreciated historical cost of the Country

A identifiable assets at the end of 20X6 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X6 Identifiable assets

Historical cost 2,000

Accumulated depreciation (133.3 * 6 years) (800)

Depreciated historical cost 1,200

Carrying amount (Schedule 1) 1,113

Difference 87

Schedule 3. Carrying amount of the Country A assets at the end of 20X6

(Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X6 Goodwill Identifiable assets Total

Gross carrying amount 1,000 2,000 3,000

Accumulated depreciation/

amortisation (800) (780) (1,580)

Accumulated impairment loss (200) (107) (307)

Carrying amount 0 1,113 1,113

Reversal of impairment loss 0 87 87

Carrying amount after reversal

of impairment loss 0 1,200 1,200

Example 5 -Treatment of a FutureRestructuring

In this example, tax effects are ignored.


A40. At the end of 20X0, enterprise K tests a plant for impairment. The

plant is a cash-generating unit. The plant’s assets are carried at depreciated

historical cost. The plant has a carrying amount of Rs. 3,000 lakhs and a

remaining useful life of 10 years.

A41. The plant is so specialised that it is not possible to determine its net

selling price. Therefore, the plant’s recoverable amount is its value in use.

Value in use is calculated using a pre-tax discount rate of 14%.

Impairment of Assets 619

A42. Management approved budgets reflect that:

(a) at the end of 20X3, the plantwill be restructured at an estimated

cost of Rs. 100 lakhs. Since K is not yet committed to the

restructuring, a provision has not been recognised for the future

restructuring costs; and

(b) there will be future benefits from this restructuring in the form

of reduced future cash outflows.

A43. At the end of 20X2, K becomes committed to the restructuring. The

costs are still estimated to be Rs. 100 lakhs and a provision is recognised

accordingly. The plant’s estimated future cash flows reflected in the most

recent management approved budgets are given in paragraph A47 and a

current discount rate is the same as at the end of 20X0.

A44. At the end of 20X3, restructuring costs of Rs. 100 lakhs are paid.

Again, the plant’s estimated future cash flows reflected in the most recent

management approved budgets and a current discount rate are the same as

those estimated at the end of 20X2.

620 AS 28 (issued 2002)

At the End of 20X0

Schedule 1. Calculation of the plant’s value in use at the end of 20X0

(Amount in Rs. lakhs)

Year Future cash flows Discounted at 14%

20X1 300 263

20X2 280 215

20X3 420(1) 283

20X4 520(2) 308

20X5 350(2) 182

20X6 420(2) 191

20X7 480(2) 192

20X8 480(2) 168

20X9 460(2) 141

20X10 400(2) 108

Value in use 2,051

(1) Excludes estimated restructuring costs reflected in management budgets.

(2) Excludes estimated benefits expected from the restructuring reflected in

management budgets.

A45. The plant’s recoverable amount (value in use) is less than its carrying

amount. Therefore, K recognises an impairment loss for the plant.

Schedule 2. Calculation of the impairment loss at the end of 20X0 (Amount

in Rs. lakhs)


Carrying amount before impairment loss 3,000

Recoverable amount (Schedule 1) 2,051

Impairment loss (949)

Carrying amount after impairment loss 2,051

Impairment of Assets 621

At the End of 20X1

A46. No event occurs that requires the plant’s recoverable amount to be

re-estimated. Therefore, no calculation of the recoverable amount is required

to be performed.

At the End of 20X2

A47. The enterprise is now committed to the restructuring. Therefore, in

determining the plant’s value in use, the benefits expected from the

restructuring are considered in forecasting cash flows. This results in an

increase in the estimated future cash flows used to determine value in use at

the end of 20X0. In accordance with paragraphs 94-95 of this Statement, the

recoverable amount of the plant is re-determined at the end of 20X2.

Schedule 3. Calculation of the plant’s value in use at the end of 20X2

(Amount in Rs. lakhs)

Year Future cash flows Discounted at 14%

20X3 420(1) 368

20X4 570(2) 439

20X5 380(2) 256

20X6 450(2) 266

20X7 510(2) 265

20X8 510(2) 232

20X9 480(2) 192

20X10 410(2) 144

Value in use 2,162

(1) Excludes estimated restructuring costs because a liability has already been recognised.

(2) Includes estimated benefits expected from the restructuring reflected in management


A48. The plant’s recoverable amount (value in use) is higher than its carrying

amount (see Schedule 4). Therefore, K reverses the impairment loss

recognised for the plant at the end of 20X0.


End of Depreciated Recoverable Adjusted

year historical amount depreciation

cost charge

20X0 3,000 2,051 0

20X1 2,700 n.c. (205)

20X2 2,400 2,162 (205)

20X3 2,100 n.c. (270)

622 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Schedule 4. Calculation of the reversal of the impairment loss at the end

of 20X2 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)


Carrying amount at the end of 20X0 (Schedule 2) 2,051

End of 20X2

Depreciation charge (for 20X1 and 20X2 Schedule 5) (410)

Carrying amount before reversal 1,641

Recoverable amount (Schedule 3) 2,162

Reversal of the impairment loss 521

Carrying amount after reversal 2,162

Carrying amount: depreciated historical cost (Schedule 5) 2,400(1)

(1) The reversal does not result in the carrying amount of the plant exceeding what its

carrying amount would have been at depreciated historical cost. Therefore, the full

reversal of the impairment loss is recognised.

At the End of 20X3

A49. There is a cash outflow of Rs. 100 lakhs when the restructuring

costs are paid. Even though a cash outflow has taken place, there is no

change in the estimated future cash flows used to determine value in use at

the end of 20X2. Therefore, the plant’s recoverable amount is not calculated

at the end of 20X3.

Schedule 5. Summary of the carrying amount of the plant (Amount in Rs.

Impairment Carrying

loss amount



(949) 2,051

0 1,846

521 2,162

0 1,892

n.c. = not calculated as there is no indication that the impairment loss may have


Impairment of Assets 623

Example 6 - Treatment of Future Capital


In this example, tax effects are ignored.


A50. At the end of 20X0, enterprise F tests a plane for impairment. The

plane is a cash-generating unit. It is carried at depreciated historical cost and

its carrying amount is Rs. 1,500 lakhs. It has an estimated remaining useful

life of 10 years.

A51. For the purpose of this example, it is assumed that the plane’s net

selling price is not determinable. Therefore, the plane’s recoverable amount

is its value in use. Value in use is calculated using a pre-tax discount rate of


A52. Management approved budgets reflect that:

(a) in 20X4, capital expenditure of Rs. 250 lakhs will be incurred to

renew the engine of the plane; and

(b) this capital expenditurewill improve the performance of the plane

by decreasing fuel consumption.

A53. At the end of 20X4, renewal costs are incurred.The plane’s estimated

future cash flows reflected in themost recentmanagement approved budgets

are given in paragraph A56 and a current discount rate is the same as at the

end of 20X0.

624 AS 28 (issued 2002)

At the End of 20X0

Schedule 1. Calculation of the plane’s value in use at the end of 20X0

(Amount in Rs. lakhs)

Year Future cash flows Discounted at 14%

20X1 221.65 194.43

20X2 214.50 165.05

20X3 205.50 138.71

20X4 247.25(1) 146.39

20X5 253.25(2) 131.53

20X6 248.25(2) 113.10

20X7 241.23(2) 96.40

20X8 255.33(2) 89.51

20X9 242.34(2) 74.52

20X10 228.50(2) 61.64

Value in use 1,211.28

(1) Excludes estimated renewal costs reflected in management budgets.

(2) Excludes estimated benefits expected from the renewal of the engine reflected in

management budgets.

A54. The plane’s carrying amount is less than its recoverable amount (value

in use). Therefore, F recognises an impairment loss for the plane.

Schedule 2. Calculation of the impairment loss at the end of 20X0 (Amount

in Rs. lakhs)


Carrying amount before impairment loss 1,500.00

Recoverable amount (Schedule 1) 1,211.28

Impairment loss (288.72)

Carrying amount after impairment loss 1,211.28

Impairment of Assets 625

Years 20X1-20X3

A55. No event occurs that requires the plane’s recoverable amount to be

re-estimated. Therefore, no calculation of recoverable amount is required to

be performed.

At the End of 20X4

A56. The capital expenditure is incurred. Therefore, in determining the

plane’s value in use, the future benefits expected from the renewal of the

engine are considered in forecasting cash flows. This results in an increase

in the estimated future cash flows used to determine value in use at the end

of 20X0. As a consequence, in accordance with paragraphs 94-95 of this

Statement, the recoverable amount of the plane is recalculated at the end of


Schedule 3. Calculation of the plane’s value in use at the end of 20X4

(Amount in Rs. lakhs)

Year Future cash flows(1) Discounted at 14%

20X5 303.21 265.97

20X6 327.50 252.00

20X7 317.21 214.11

20X8 319.50 189.17

20X9 331.00 171.91

20X10 279.99 127.56

Value in use 1,220.72

(1) Includes estimated benefits expected from the renewal of the engine reflected in

management budgets.

A57. The plane’s recoverable amount (value in use) is higher than the

plane’s carrying amount and depreciated historical cost (see Schedule 4).

Therefore, K reverses the impairment loss recognised for the plane at the

end of 20X0 so that the plane is carried at depreciated historical cost.

626 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Schedule 4. Calculation of the reversal of the impairment loss at the end

of 20X4 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)


Carrying amount at the end of 20X0 (Schedule 2) 1,211.28

End of 20X4

Depreciation charge (20X1 to 20X4-Schedule 5) (484.52)

Renewal expenditure 250.00

Carrying amount before reversal 976.76

Recoverable amount (Schedule 3) 1,220.72

Reversal of the impairment loss 173.24

Carrying amount after reversal 1,150.00

Carrying amount: depreciated historical cost (Schedule 5) 1,150.00(1)

(1) The value in use of the plane exceeds what its carrying amount would have been at

depreciated historical cost. Therefore, the reversal is limited to an amount that does

not result in the carrying amount of the plane exceeding depreciated historical cost.

Schedule 5. Summary of the carrying amount of the plane (Amount in Rs.


Year Depreciated Recoverable Adjusted Impairment Carrying

historical amount depreciation loss amount

cost charge after


20X0 1,500.00 1,211.28 0 (288.72) 1,211.28

20X1 1,350.00 n.c. (121.13) 0 1,090.15

20X2 1,200.00 n.c. (121.13) 0 969.02

20X3 1,050.00 n.c. (121.13) 0 847.89

20X4 900.00 (121.13)

renewal 250.00 –

1,150.00 1,220.72 (121.13) 173.24 1,150.00

20X5 958.33 n.c. (191.67) 0 958.33

n.c. = not calculated as there is no indication that the impairment loss may have


Impairment of Assets 627

Example 7 - Application of the ‘Bottom-Up’ and

‘Top-Down’Tests toGoodwill

In this example, tax effects are ignored.

A58. At the end of 20X0, enterprise M acquired 100% of enterprise Z for

Rs. 3,000 lakhs. Z has 3 cash-generating units A, B and C with net fair

values of Rs. 1,200 lakhs, Rs. 800 lakhs and Rs. 400 lakhs respectively. M

recognises goodwill of Rs. 600 lakhs (Rs. 3,000 lakhs less Rs. 2,400 lakhs)

that relates to Z.

A59. At the end of 20X4,Amakes significant losses. Its recoverable amount

is estimated to be Rs. 1,350 lakhs. Carrying amounts are detailed below.

Schedule 1. Carrying amounts at the end of 20X4 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X4 A B C Goodwill Total

Net carrying amount 1,300 1,200 800 120 3,420

A - Goodwill Can be Allocated on a Reasonable and

Consistent Basis

A60. At the date of acquisition of Z, the net fair values of A, B and C are

considered a reasonable basis for a pro-rata allocation of the goodwill to A,

B and C.

Schedule 2. Allocation of goodwill at the end of 20X4

End of 20X0

A B C Total

Net fair values 1,200 800 400 2,400

Pro-rata 50% 33% 17% 100%

End of 20X4

Net carrying amount 1,300 1,200 800 3,300

Allocation of goodwill

(using the pro-rata above) 60 40 20 120

Net carrying amount

(after allocation of goodwill) 1,360 1,240 820 3,420

628 AS 28 (issued 2002)

A61. In accordance with the ‘bottom-up’ test in paragraph 78(a) of this

Statement,M compares A’s recoverable amount to its carrying amount after

the allocation of the carrying amount of goodwill.

Schedule 3. Application of ‘bottom-up’ test (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X4 A

Carrying amount after allocation of goodwill (Schedule 2) 1,360

Recoverable amount 1,350

Impairment loss 10

A62. Mrecognises an impairment loss ofRs. 10 lakhs forA.The impairment

loss is fully allocated to the goodwill in accordancewith paragraph 87 of this


B - Goodwill Cannot Be Allocated on a Reasonable and

Consistent Basis

A63. There is no reasonable way to allocate the goodwill that arose on the

acquisition of Z to A, B and C. At the end of 20X4, Z’s recoverable amount

is estimated to be Rs. 3,400 lakhs.

A64. At the end of 20X4,Mfirst applies the ‘bottom-up’ test in accordance

with paragraph 78(a) of this Statement. It compares A’s recoverable amount

to its carrying amount excluding the goodwill.

Schedule 4. Application of ‘bottom-up’ test (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X4 A

Carrying amount 1,300

Recoverable amount 1,350

Impairment loss 0

A65. Therefore, no impairment loss is recognised for A as a result of the

‘bottom-up’ test.

A66. Since the goodwill could not be allocated on a reasonable and consistent

basis to A, M also performs a ‘top-down’ test in accordance with paragraph

Impairment of Assets 629

78(b) of this Statement. It compares the carrying amount of Z as a whole to

its recoverable amount (Z as a whole is the smallest cash-generating unit

that includes A and to which goodwill can be allocated on a reasonable and

consistent basis).

Schedule 5. Application of the ‘top-down’ test (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X4 A B C Goodwill Z

Carrying amount 1,300 1,200 800 120 3,420

Impairment loss arising

from the ‘bottom-up’ test 0 – – – 0

Carrying amount after the

‘bottom-up’ test 1,300 1,200 800 120 3,420

Recoverable amount 3,400

Impairment loss arising

from ‘top-down’ test 20

A67. Therefore, M recognises an impairment loss of Rs. 20 lakhs that it

allocates fully to goodwill in accordancewith paragraph 87 of this Statement.

Example 8 - Allocation ofCorporateAssets

In this example, tax effects are ignored.


A68. Enterprise M has three cash-generating units: A, B and C. There are

adverse changes in the technological environment in which M operates.

Therefore,Mconducts impairment tests of each of its cash-generating units.

At the end of 20X0, the carrying amounts of A, B and C are Rs. 100 lakhs,

Rs. 150 lakhs and Rs. 200 lakhs respectively.

A69. The operations are conducted froma headquarter.The carrying amount

of the headquarter assets is Rs. 200 lakhs: a headquarter building of Rs. 150

lakhs and a research centre of Rs. 50 lakhs. The relative carrying amounts

of the cash-generating units are a reasonable indication of the proportion of

the head-quarter building devoted to each cash-generating unit.The carrying

amount of the research centre cannot be allocated on a reasonable basis to

the individual cash-generating units.

630 AS 28 (issued 2002)

A70. The remaining estimated useful life of cash-generating unit A is 10

years. The remaining useful lives of B, C and the headquarter assets are 20

years. The headquarter assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis.

A71. There is no basis on which to calculate a net selling price for each

cash-generating unit. Therefore, the recoverable amount of each cashgenerating

unit is based on its value in use. Value in use is calculated using a

pre-tax discount rate of 15%.

Identification of Corporate Assets

A72. In accordance with paragraph 85 of this Statement,Mfirst identifies

all the corporate assets that relate to the individual cash-generating units

under review. The corporate assets are the headquarter building and the

research centre.

A73. M then decides how to deal with each of the corporate assets:

(a) the carrying amount of the headquarter building can be allocated

on a reasonable and consistent basis to the cash-generating units

under review. Therefore, only a ‘bottom-up’ test is necessary;


(b) the carrying amount of the research centre cannot be allocated

on a reasonable and consistent basis to the individual cashgenerating

units under review. Therefore, a ‘top-down’ test will

be applied in addition to the ‘bottom-up’ test.

Allocation of Corporate Assets

A74. The carrying amount of the headquarter building is allocated to the

carrying amount of each individual cash-generating unit. A weighted

allocation basis is used because the estimated remaining useful life of A’s

cash-generating unit is 10 years, whereas the estimated remaining useful

lives of B and C’s cash-generating units are 20 years.

Impairment of Assets 631

Schedule 1. Calculation of a weighted allocation of the carrying amount of

the headquarter building (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X0 A B C Total

Carrying amount 100 150 200 450

Useful life 10 years 20 years 20 years

Weighting based on useful life 1 2 2

Carrying amount after

weighting 100 300 400 800

Pro-rata allocation of the building 12.5% 37.5% 50% 100%

(100/800) (300/800) (400/800)

Allocation of the carrying

amount of the building

(based on pro-rata above) 19 56 75 150

Carrying amount (after

allocation of the building) 119 206 275 600

Determination of Recoverable Amount

A75. The ‘bottom-up’ test requires calculation of the recoverable amount

of each individual cash-generating unit. The ‘top-down’ test requires

calculation of the recoverable amount of M as a whole (the smallest cashgenerating

unit that includes the research centre).

Value in use 199 164 271

632 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Schedule 2. Calculation of A, B, C and M’s value in use at the end of 20X0

(Amount in Rs. lakhs)


Year Future Discount Future Discount Future Discount Future Discount

cash at 15% cash at 15% cash at 15% cash at 15%

flows flows flows flows

1 18 16 9 8 10 9 39 34

2 31 23 16 12 20 15 72 54

3 37 24 24 16 34 22 105 69

4 42 24 29 17 44 25 128 73

5 47 24 32 16 51 25 143 71

6 52 22 33 14 56 24 155 67

7 55 21 34 13 60 22 162 61

8 55 18 35 11 63 21 166 54

9 53 15 35 10 65 18 167 48

10 48 12 35 9 66 16 169 42

11 36 8 66 14 132 28

12 35 7 66 12 131 25

13 35 6 66 11 131 21

14 33 5 65 9 128 18

15 30 4 62 8 122 15

16 26 3 60 6 115 12

17 22 2 57 5 108 10

18 18 1 51 4 97 8

19 14 1 43 3 85 6

20 10 1 35 2 71 4


(1) It is assumed that the research centre generates additional future cash flows

for the enterprise as a whole. Therefore, the sum of the value in use of each

individual cash-generating unit is less than the value in use of the business as a

whole. The additional cash flows are not attributable to the headquarter building.

Impairment of Assets 633

Calculation of Impairment Losses

A76. In accordance with the ‘bottom-up’ test, M compares the carrying

amount of each cash-generating unit (after allocation of the carrying amount

of the building) to its recoverable amount.

Schedule 3. Application of ‘bottom-up’ test (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X0 A B C

Carrying amount (after allocation

of the building) (Schedule 1) 119 206 275

Recoverable amount (Schedule 2) 199 164 271

Impairment loss 0 (42) (4)

A77. The next step is to allocate the impairment losses between the assets

of the cash-generating units and the headquarter building.

Schedule 4. Allocation of the impairment losses for cash-generating units

B and C (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

Cash-generating unit B C

To headquarter building (12) (42*56/206) (1) (4*75/275)

To assets in cash-generating unit (30) (42*150/206) (3) (4*200/275)

(42) (4)

A78. In accordance with the ‘top-down’ test, since the research centre

could not be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to A, B and C’s

cash-generating units,Mcompares the carrying amount of the smallest cashgenerating

unit to which the carrying amount of the research centre can be

allocated (i.e., M as a whole) to its recoverable amount.

634 AS 28 (issued 2002)

Schedule 5. Application of the ‘top-down’ test (Amount in Rs. lakhs)

End of 20X0 A B C Building Research M


Carrying amount 100 150 200 150 50 650

Impairment loss arising

from the ‘bottom-up’ test – (30) (3) (13) – (46)

Carrying amount after

the ‘bottom-up’ test 100 120 197 137 50 604

Recoverable amount

(Schedule 2) 720

Impairment loss arising

from ‘top-down’ test 0

A79. Therefore, no additional impairment loss results from the application

of the ‘top-down’ test. Only an impairment loss of Rs. 46 lakhs is recognised

as a result of the application of the ‘bottom-up’ test.

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